Years ago when I would mention homeschooling to friends or strangers, I was bound to receive one of two replies: Either they applauded but assumed it was something they couldn’t do themselves or they had bought into stigmas surrounding homeschooling and would never choose it. 

But with school closures due to COVID, parents were thrust into homeschooling or long-distance learning, whether they wanted to do it or not. This left many of them feeling overwhelmed or lost. In my personal experience, as one who was homeschooled, I have found that homeschooling was and is, actually easy. As with anything worthwhile, there is a certain level of difficulty, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. 

At the risk of sounding flippant, I’d like to offer two reasons why I think more people should homeschool and five tips for making the most of it.


June 29th | Tallahassee, FL


American Majority is pleased to partner with Patriot Academy to bring Campaign-In-A-Day to the Leadership Congress in Tallahassee, Florida on Wednesday June 29th . American Majority’s Campaign-In-A-Day is an interactive, rigorous, and team building training by American Majority. It is a great event to build and hone leadership skills. The attendees are split up into campaign teams. They are given a candidate, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, that they must figure out a plan to bring them to victory on election day.

Throughout the course of the day attendees will be briefed on the dos and don’ts of campaigns and immediately have to put what they have learned into action through allocating funds, messaging, and getting out the vote.

This training event is like none other that American Majority offers. You will be stretched competitively, creatively, and politically. Whether you’re a policy wonk, interested in how campaigns are run, or looking to work together with fellow students, this training has something for you.


June 30th | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Scottsdale, AZ

Most of us aren’t born activists and don’t spend our time watching the news and reading draft bills. All the same, recent events are alarming on so many levels. We must speak up now about the direction our schools, cities, state, and nation are going!

This training is the key to understanding politics at the local level connected with important issues going on right here in Arizona! In an interactive, small group setting you will learn:

How to quickly and easily share opinions with your elected state officials
How to take effective action and get involved in Arizona
Organizations and resources to keep you updated with everything going on at the local level


June 30th | 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Las Vegas, NV

Parental control of local school boards is essential always but especially in today’s climate of disintegrating morals and quest to control the masses coming from leftists. Running your school board with morals and standards you can be proud of is not only an admirable goal but a crucial one for future generations.

If we want America to continue to be a great nation, then we need to focus on how we might best empower children to succeed in the future. This course will guide and empower your success in creating a fair and balanced school board in your community.


New Online Courses
Available Now!!

In this course we equip individuals with an understanding of what is “election integrity,” what happened in the lead up to the 2020 election, and what we can do now and in our own communities to protect our most basic civil right – the right to vote and participate  in free and fair elections.

Topics Include:
  • History of Changes to Election Laws
  • What Happened in 2020 and other important election trends
  • What You Can Do About It

Parental control of local school boards is essential always but especially in today’s climate of disintegrating morals and quest to control the masses coming from leftists. Running your school board with morals and standards you can be proud of is not only an admirable goal but a crucial one for future generations.

If we want America to continue to be a great nation, then we need to focus on how we might best empower children to succeed in the future. This course will guide and empower your success in creating a fair and balanced school board in your community.

Don't see a training near you? Request one HERE

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Phone: (540) 338-1251
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