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Editor's Note:

Conservatives in America are jarred on a daily basis by the newest social justice ideas being foisted upon every area of our lives. Because powerful institutions such as universities, national media, and the entertainment industry make it seem as if we are a minuscule minority around the world, it is easy to become discouraged. We are not alone, however, as explained in this fascinating interview of Matt and Mercedes Schlapp by Bill Walton on The Heritage Foundation's Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
December 4, 2019
What Americans Have in Common With Conservatives Across the Globe

Are Americans alone in their fight against big government, extreme sex ed, and more? Or are other people across the world similarly fighting? In this episode of “The Bill Walton Show,” Matt and Mercedes Schlapp join Bill Walton to discuss. Former White House director of strategic communications Mercedes Schlapp grew up as the daughter of a man who defied Fidel Castro, and American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp has experience working with conservatives across the world.

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