This email is about gratitude. Gratitude for this community. Gratitude for the people we work side-by-side with all over the world. Gratitude to you. As Mercy Corps nears the end of our fiscal year, I am reminded to take a moment to look back at everything we have been able to accomplish together. The last year has not been easy — 274 million people needed humanitarian assistance worldwide. But you have shown up with compassion and care again and again and again. There is no place where the extraordinary generosity of our supporters has been more obvious than in the overwhelming response to the war in Ukraine. Your engagement in our community shows your commitment to people in places like Ukraine and around the globe. I want to share a video message with you from people on the ground in Ukraine. We hope you will see just what our community’s generosity has meant to them ▸
Together, we can build a future where everyone has access to clean water and nutritious food, a peaceful, stable place to live, and an opportunity to achieve economic security. We are so grateful to have you as a part of the Mercy Corps community, and we can’t thank you enough for your support for the work we do. We continue to support communities even after the headlines fade — whether helping victims of war in Ukraine, the earthquake in Haiti, assistance for the people of Afghanistan, or providing food and water to those suffering from drought in the Horn of Africa. Our team members — more than 5,400 strong in more than 40 countries around the globe — are ready to take on whatever comes during our next fiscal year and beyond. I am so grateful that their work is met with the support of people like you. With gratitude,
P.S. — Will you take one more step to help people in crisis around the world by giving today? |