![]() People For Supporter, One of the key elements of the Far Right’s seditious plot to overthrow our democracy last January 6 was brought to light in last week’s Select Committee hearings: the attempts to introduce fake slates of electors who – rather than the duly-elected delegations from the key battleground states – would somehow then be deemed valid, and cast their states’ Electoral College votes for Trump. A key player in this scheme, it’s now been revealed, was Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Last week we learned that Johnson, through his staff, tried to deliver fake elector slates for Wisconsin and Michigan to Vice President Pence during the joint session to certify the results of the election. Ron Johnson is perhaps the most vulnerable of the far-right senators in this year’s midterms and we need to make sure that he’s held accountable for his role in Trump’s attempted coup! Keeping Mitch McConnell out of power and expanding a pro-democracy Senate majority depends on it! Fortunately, the vice president’s staff did not accept the fake electors ... but Johnson has refused to answer when pressed to reveal whether he knew of this plan in advance. His non-denial denials are a plain attempt to try and sweep the entire matter under the rug ... and he keeps changing his story about what actually happened.[1] We’re working to get out the vote in Wisconsin and other key states this year, and part of that work is making sure that we amplify the revelations from the ongoing January 6 Select Committee hearings. Democracy itself is on the ballot this year, and it’s obvious that Ron Johnson and his fellow conspirators should never be trusted with positions of authority in our government ever again. So, we’re asking for your renewal donation today, because we need your help. There’s a very real possibility of one or both chambers of Congress coming under the control of proponents of the “Big Lie” next year – and now, they’re showing little hesitancy to keep telling more lies. This cannot be allowed to continue. People For is uniquely positioned to get the truth out, and to mobilize voters against the Far Right’s dangerous lies and authoritarian extremism this fall. But, with the explosive revelations coming out of the January 6 Select Committee hearings, we can’t afford to wait. We have to use this moment for all it’s worth to make sure that voters know the truth ahead of the November elections and to stand up for truth and democracy ... or before we know it, it will be too late. But with our end-of-month deadline just 48 hours away, we’re still more than 1,000 donations short of the resources we need – and we’re running out of time to close the gap. The only way to ensure the survival of our cherished democracy – and the American Way – is to keep fighting. Thank you for everything you do. – Ben Jealous, President
Source: 1. "This Republican senator keeps changing his story on the fake electors scheme," CNN.com, 06/27/2022