The latest coordinated effort by the mainstream media
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MSM Now Compares Trump Supporters to ISIS Followers ([link removed]) The latest coordinated effort by the MSM Read and Share ([link removed])
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Hezbollah Agent in NY Gets 40 Years ([link removed]) Ali Kourani spent years scouting targets for terror attacks in NY Read ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Linda Sarsour Compares Jews to White Supremacists ([link removed]) Says Israel is 'built on the idea that Jews are supreme to everybody else' Read and Share ([link removed])
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Judge Rules Leader of New Mexico Jihadi Cult Not Fit to Stand Trial ([link removed]) She will be hospitalized, treated and then reevaluated Read ([link removed])
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Readers Write
ISIS Kids Back in US; Mom Pleads Guilty to Terror Financing ([link removed])
“The odds are against those kids becoming grateful Americans. They’ve already been taught to hate us.”
- G.D.
CAIR’s Support for Violent Jihadi US Criminal Group ([link removed])
“Living in a self-blinded nation.”
- J.T.
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