
Dear John, 

Have you figured it out yet? The Democrats don’t care about you!

Their sole agenda is singular and focused… it’s only about holding on to power.

Why else does it seem the only people benefitting from this mess are Nancy Pelosi, The Squad, and Hunter Biden… oh, and the Big Guy.

Case in point - the media has forgotten about Hunter’s laptop and the contents that will prove his father sold our country down the Yellow River.

VideoMeanwhile, Grandpa Joe is undoing everything President Trump did in the Middle East to bring peace. I mean, look at his horrible bumbling of the Iran talks.

It’s like he wants Israel to burn to the ground.

I take that back. It’s not just Israel Biden’s looking to torch – he’s doing a damn good job running our own country in the ground.

So let me channel Ronald Reagan for a moment and ask… are you better off than you were two years ago?

If your answer is NO, then help us stop this national nightmare with your $25, $50, or $100 today so we can win back Congress and dump Pelosi as Speaker.

We at Protect American values are working overtime to put an end to the failed leftist agenda that is transforming our nation into a nightmare.

You can either have leaders like Chuck Schumer or Josh Hawley.

You can either have leaders like AOC or John James.

You can either have a President like Joe Biden or one that puts our nation first like Donald Trump.

But I gotta tell you. Unless you step up with your support, the Democrats will remain in power.

How do we know? Because they are keeping their foot all the way down on the gas to drive a false narrative into the minds of voters while they ignore real problems facing real Americans.

HeadlineWhether it’s the J6 Farce, the gun-grabbing legislation, or the systematic unraveling of the Abraham accords, the Democrats are distracting voters with bright shiny objects so they can win this November. They are constantly seeking ways to, justify their continuous efforts to ram a socialist agenda down our throats with more spending bills, gun control measures, defund policies, and red flag laws.

All of it is intended to keep you down and dependent on the government to control you and your family for generations to come. Our lives are looking more and more like a non-fiction novel!

That’s why we need your help to reach our end-of-quarter goal before July 1. So much is at stake! We’re $89,212.51 away from stopping the Dems march to another 2 years in office.

CHIP IN $100
CHIP IN $250

Most Americans don’t realize that the Squad is winning. Biden and Pelosi continue to ponder more government handouts and progressive policies which have every family in America feeling the consequences.

Imagine what another 2 years of Biden running unfettered with Pelosi still as Speaker rubber-stamping every Leftist bill that’s proposed?

That’s why we need you all in on this one with your $100, $500, or $1,000 donation today. Our country is desperate for change. And it all hinges on whether you step up TODAY!

Don’t delay. We desperately need your help to ensure the Red Wave engulfs this country in November. Don’t Delay. The Consequences will be dire!

God Bless America,


Political Director,
Protect American Values


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