Here's what you may have missed this month
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Dear TTP Friends,

A great big THANK YOU to all of our friends who joined us at our June Potluck & Game night or Movie nights at True Texas Project meetings across Texas!  We have heard great feedback from each location and look forward to hosting another Game or Movie night again in the future! In fact, several locations are talking about making it a regular activity on their social calendars! 

If you missed the meeting, or even if you didn’t, be sure to check out our June Announcements >HERE<

Speaking of meetings, I’ve already checked out next month's line up, and you do not want to miss what we have in store for you all! If you’re new to TTP this month and would like to know where you can find all of our events, click here  to link to our True Texas Project Events page on our website. If you are on social media, another way for you to stay connected, be informed, and chat about happenings in your own area is through the True Texas Project  County chat groups on our main Facebook Page. Click Here  to access that page and join the group for your area. This is a great place to connect about local issues, local happenings, share TTP stories and adventures, just get to know each other, and invite your friends to learn more about TTP. One common thing we hear after any event is "Oh, I wish I had known!  I would have come."  Don't let that happen to your friends!  Friends don't let friends miss TTP events!

Get Involved! If you haven’t met me already, I’m Susan Griffith, the Satellite Development Coordinator for TTP, and I’ve been making my way to each group on a regular basis. I was a stay-at-home mom of two girls and I felt the need to be more involved, politically. My story with TTP started with the launch of our Denton County Satellite in early 2020. I volunteered as Food Coordinator which is an area of service close to my heart - I mean, who doesn’t love to serve others by filling their bellies?! Our Denton Satellite saw many struggles as we tried to continue meeting through all the Covid shutdowns. We faced many venue challenges, and I began filling the role of venue liaison which then led to my becoming Co-Director with Matt Armstrong! Last year, after rapid growth TTP had a need to have someone come alongside the satellites and support them from an administrative standpoint - and I am happy to fill that role! 

I share all of that because it provides just a glimpse of what it takes to make these meetings happen on a local level each month. We need more people LIKE YOU to Do Something! It takes a whole team of people to keep monthly meetings running smoothly and we have positions to fill on each team. Most jobs are easy, not time consuming, and always fun. The primary requirement is a willingness to serve, and there is something for everyone! If you can help, please contact me at [email protected]. I will connect you to your local Co-Director to get you plugged in!

Here is a sample of volunteer positions or backups that need to be filled:


  • Prayer Team (Leader + Pray-ers) – One person is needed to lead the team and a back up person to lead when needed. This person also opens the large meeting in prayer. 
  • Venue liaison – This is our key point of contact with whatever venue is used. Makes sure rules are followed and a positive relationship with the venue is always maintained. 
  • Set Up / Tear Down Captain (and team)- This person is usually the first on the scene and the last one to leave. S/He will coordinate a team to set the room however needed in terms of chairs, registration table, speaker table, etc., and then make sure we leave the facility exactly as we found it. 
  • Advertising Coordinator - This person makes sure the meeting is shared everywhere possible! Utilizes the county GOP calendar, various Facebook groups, other clubs, etc.  TTP will set up events on our website and on Facebook so all you have to do is share the links.
  • Food Coordinator and Team - brings food and drink each month and sells it for $5/person. Also brings the napkins and plates needed. TTP reimburses the cost of food and supplies.
  • Registrar Lead and Team - At least two people to greet people at the door, have first time guests fill out registration cards. hand out name tags, log attendees, etc. After meeting, enter new guest names into TTP data base, and add to the Attendance spreadsheet. 
  • Guest Relations - contact all first-time attendees, thank them for coming, see how they might want to get plugged in, invite them back.
  • Hospitality - Door greeters/ushers - ensure people see a smiling face, directing them to the meeting, food, childcare, prayer meeting, etc.
  • VIP Greeter – greet guest speaker upon arrival, be sure s/he has everything needed.  Introduce speaker to AV person, introduce speaker during meeting, write thank you notes as needed
  • Social Activities Coordinator: This person works with the TTP Social Coordinator (state-wide) to encourage and arrange social activities within the local group.  Activities might include things like dinner clubs; Meet ups for Coffee;  Get together at a restaurant on a specific night; sports teams; use your imagination!
  • Money Handler: There should be two people for this assignment.  They will “pass the hat” (or basket) at meetings, collect all money from donations and/or food or other sources, count the money, record it on a Revenue report, deposit the money at a local branch of our TTP bank, and send the report to our Treasurer, and copy the President.
  • Merchandise Coordinator:  Brings sample merchandise to the meeting for display, and points people to the website where they can order.
  • Campus Coordinator-maintains communication with campus groups and TTP. (are you a student or know one?  Let us know!)


Again, thank you for participating with True Texas Project this month! Please take advantage of all TTP has to offer you.  We're not just about meetings - we act on the things we believe in.  Our website is full of information about our events, educational opportunities, news items, citizen advocate assignments, and more.  Take a look at our "True Talk" Video library full of short videos on various topics of interest.  And be sure to check out how you can become a "Certified" True Texan in the video about our 5 step education program for True Texans.

If you can help support TTP financially, the very best way to do that is through monthly recurring donations.  No amount is too small - the small ones add up.  Of course we'll take big ones too!  No pressure, but if you'd like to donate to TTP (once or monthly), click the button below.  Bonus - you can designate your contributions to your specific satellite group!

Great things are happening at True Texas Project.  We look forward to seeing you again next time - spread the word and bring a friend!

Susan Griffith, Satellite Development Coordinator


 Click here to donate to our cause.      

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