
I'll be direct with you -- we need your immediate help.


There are many reasons why we need to meet our URGENT $15,000 “Money Bomb” goal:
  • Our GOP candidates need the resources to mount competitive campaigns against their Democrat opponents.
  • President Trump needs a Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives to Keep America Great.
  • Nancy Pelosi and AOC’s ‘squad’ need to see that the Green New Deal, ending Medicare as we know it and free healthcare for illegal aliens are not what America needs

Our Republican candidates are working hard and what we raise today will go directly to helping them before the end of the year.

We need your help to meet this fundraising goal so our Republican candidates can show strong fundraising numbers at the end of the year ahead of the 2020 election.  Please contribute $25 today.

God bless,

Paid for by RWA Fund
and not authorized by and candidate or candidate's committee.

If you instead prefer to donate by mail, please click here.

RWA Fund, P.O. Box 420521, Atlanta, GA 30342

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