Can you ask your MP to sign her motion?
Text reading #Keep it in the Ground. Black coal background


Despite the Government's commitments to climate leadership on coal at COP26, Boris Johnson has now put forward plans to approve the first new coalmine for 30 years in Whitehaven, Cumbria.

Going ahead with such plans would further jeopardise the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees and not only that, but a former British Steel Chief Executive has warned that the mine will delay the transition to green steel.


Fortunately, the Green Party is stepping up to hold the Government to account and Caroline Lucas is leading the opposition to the plan by proposing a motion to rule out any new coal mining in the UK. Now, we need your help to build support for it in parliament.


What can you do to help?


  1. Write to your MP using the template here to ask them to support the motion
  2. Keep an eye on Caroline's Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts, she will be posting five facts about the coalmine in the coming days, please share them using the hashtag #KeepItInTheGround

Thanks to Caroline and her team's brilliant work, the motion currently has 19 MPs signed onto it and now is our opportunity to help take that number higher.


If the motion is successful not only would it rule out any new coal mining in the UK, but it would also set a 2035 near zero emission steel target, and amend the Coal Industry Act to give the Coal Authority a statutory duty to manage the phasing out of the coal industry, with priority given to a just transition for workers.

Now is our chance to help get this motion passed, let’s get to work!


Kind Regards,


The Green Party