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Tuesday, June 28th, 2022


A Victory for Life and Liberty

Ron Paul, MD

On the Nativity of St. John the Baptist…

Larry L. Beane

2020 Hindsight

Paul Gottfried

Vaccine Shedding Finally Proven!

Igor Chudov

Al Gore Stuffed Millions Into His Lockbox While Saving the World

Jon Rappoport

Pfizer, CDC Lied to Americans, FDA-Approved Covid Shot Exists on Paper Only

Sara Middleton

USDA Ignoring the Science on Low-Carb Diets

Nina Teicholz

Durham Played You for a Fool!

Emerald Robinson

Plandemic 3 – Mass Formation

Alexandra Bruce

Doctor Says Pfizer’s Covid Shot Trial Should Be ‘Null and Void’ After ‘Twisting’ Data

David McLoone

6 Ways McConnell Betrays the Republican Base

J.B. Shurk

It’s Time to Shut Down the Ukraine Money Spigot

Jordan Schachtel

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