Will you support these pro-choice Democrats running to flip Senate seats blue?

Click here to split a contribution between my reelection campaign and John Fetterman, Tim Ryan, and Cheri Beasley’s campaigns!

For 50 years, Americans across the country have relied on Roe v. Wade’s constitutional protections to secure the right to make their own decisions about their bodies.

Last week's Supreme Court decision overturning Roe completely destroys that freedom and sends our country down the wrong path.

If our highest court won’t protect reproductive freedom, then we need Congress to step in and codify our right to privacy and choice. But Senate Republicans’ obstruction of the Women’s Health Protection Act proves that the GOP wants a ban on abortion.

The only way we can codify Roe and protect reproductive rights is to expand our Democratic majority in the Senate.

Pennsylvania, Ohio, and North Carolina are our best opportunities to do just that. Will you chip in before Thursday’s Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline to support my campaign and pro-choice Democrats John Fetterman, Tim Ryan, and Cheri Beasley in their races to flip Senate seats from red to blue? →

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately and be split between John Fetterman, Tim Ryan, Cheri Beasley, and Maria Cantwell.


Our constitutional right to privacy and the reproductive rights of millions of Americans have been directly attacked.

Here’s the truth: Republicans want a total ban on abortion, and they’ve been working towards this day for a long time. Senate Republicans have stacked the Court with conservative judges and obstructed our progress.

We cannot let them win. We cannot let this setback stop our fight for reproductive freedom. We cannot leave people without the right to make decisions about their own bodies. We are going to fight back.

I’m committed to supporting pro-choice Democrats who are challenging Republican Senators. We need to expand our Senate majority by flipping states like Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Ohio to finally codify Roe – will you join me by making a donation ahead of the FEC deadline on Thursday?
Thanks for stepping up in this critical moment.

– Maria Cantwell




Paid for by Friends of Maria

Friends of Maria
PO Box 12740
Seattle, WA 98111
United States