Here’s Alexandria’s plan for reproductive rights:
In the face of Friday’s Supreme Court ruling, Democrats can and must do more than just ask people to vote. So while other politicians were using this devastating decision to fundraise, Alexandria took to Twitter to list out very specific steps Congress and the President can take right now:

Alexandria wasn’t shy this weekend in holding our leaders accountable. She tweeted that “if you are a lawmaker who, in the time between the leak and ruling, spent more manpower on a fundraising plan than a policy response, then I highly recommend rethinking your priorities. Our job right now is to protect people. Doing so will drive the vote more than browbeating.”
Now we need you to hold your elected officials accountable too. Call them and ask if they support taking the actions listed above. Press your elected officials for specifics. Don’t accept shoulder shrugging!
They need to hear it from YOU directly. These offices do record call volumes from constituents and it does influence them (even if they pretend it doesn’t).
Find your Senator or Member of Congress here and make your voice heard.
— Team AOC