From Brand New Congress <[email protected]>
Subject Stand up for Equality: Add your name, John.
Date June 27, 2022 8:46 PM
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John – Yesterday marked the 7-year anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision Obergefell v Hodges , the case that made marriage equality the law of the land and instantly recognized the civil rights of millions of Americans.
While June 26, 2015 was a day of joy and celebration, this year it was a day of anger and anguish.
When SCOTUS handed down last week’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v Wade, Justice Clarence Thomas made no secret of his intention to come after marriage equality, same sex relationships, and other civil liberties next.
And right now, the Supreme Court precedent of cases like Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges are the only things stemming the tsunami of anti-LGBTQ legislation coming out of states across the country.
In 2022 alone, more than 300 anti-LGBT bills have been introduced in state legislatures across 36 states.
You’ve seen a few of these bills make headlines in the last few months.
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The time for Congress to act is NOW. We can circumvent these attacks by codifying explicit protections against LGBT discrimination into federal law through the Equality Act.
The House passed the Equality Act last year. Now it’s up to the Senate.
Currently, 49 Democrats are co-sponsoring the Senate bill waiting for it to be brought to vote. The only Democrat who hasn’t is Joe Manchin.
These are the 51 senators who are NOT currently supporting the Equality Act. Is your senator one of them?
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Add your name below to tell these senators it’s time to pass the Equality Act.
ADD YOUR NAME: Pass the Equality Act [[link removed]]
I f you see your senator’s name on this list, share this petition on social media and tag them to ask for their support on this bill.
If your senator IS one of the co-sponsors, reach out to say “Thank you,” and ask them to pressure their Senate colleagues to act.
Time is running short. If we don’t pass the Equality Act this year, and Democrats lose control of either chamber of Congress in the midterms, we will likely see an unprecedented rollback of LGBTQIA rights.
We can’t stand by and let that happen. Ask your senator to pass the Equality Act NOW. [[link removed]]
ADD YOUR NAME: Pass the Equality Act [[link removed]]
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We have elections from now until November, and our candidates are counting on your support. Pitch in today and join us as we take over Congress and return power to the people.
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