In just a minute, we’re going to ask you to make a contribution to Alex Padilla’s campaign ahead of the FEC deadline on June 30th. But first, we wanted to take this chance to explain exactly why this deadline is so important to our campaign.
After every quarter, the Federal Election Commission requires candidates for federal office to publicly report how much money they’ve raised.
Every single candidate, from the House of Representatives all the way to President Biden, is required to file reports detailing how much money they’ve raised and from which sources.
The Q2 deadline is in just 3 days, and it’s one of the most important deadlines of this whole race, because this report will be the first time our numbers are public since the start of the general election.
That means everyone, from our opponent to the press to the California GOP, is going to be looking extremely closely. With so many eyes on us, we can’t afford to come up short.
So please:
Thank you for your continued support.
Team Padilla
Paid For By Alex Padilla for Senate
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