Friend -

If you are new to the campaign, welcome!? If you are a seasoned petitioner, welcome back!? Now that we've accomplished the miracle of submitting 66,000-plus petition signatures securing ballot status, the campaign must grow. That means reaching millions of New Yorkers as quickly as possible, so please think about how you can help.

Specifically, I have written the first draft of a leaflet for mass distribution on the Fourth of July weekend.? As soon as it is available, I will be sending each of you a PDF which you can print and take to parades and family gatherings.? My statement makes the urgent case for the United States to return to our founding mission against the British Empire, and quotes extensively from the Declaration of Independence, but not in the way you might expect, and not the usual sections.? We have a huge job to do which will require profound thinking and organizing of our neighbors, not in the soundbites allowed in the a-social media and lying mainstream news.

The format of the meeting tonight will be a 10-15 minute international strategic briefing, followed by reports on what people did today, ideas for the weekend, and perhaps a poem or two recited by volunteers -- yes, poetry is a secret weapon of this campaign.? Hope to see you there.? The meeting will last one hour only.

Topic: Sare Campaign 8:00 pm Meeting
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