June 27, 2022
Contact: Elizabeth Goodsitt/Jennifer Miller 608-266-1683
New Documentary Shines a Light on Youth Mental Health
OCMH shares resources, steps parents can take to respond
In anticipation of the new Ken Burns documentary, Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness, the Office of Children?s Mental Health (OCMH) is promoting resources and actionable steps viewers can take to improve youth mental health.
The two-part documentary will air on PBS on June 27 and June 28. The film gives voice to 20 young people who struggled with their mental health and details how they found hope and resilience.
In conjunction with the film, the Well Beings Youth Mental Health Project offers a variety of stories, videos, podcasts, and resources. Well Beings is working to demystify and destigmatize physical and mental health through storytelling. Resources include a Mental Health Language Guide, which provides adults with tools to discuss mental health with teens and young adults.
With a focus on Wisconsin, OCMH?monitors children?s mental health and collaborates with a broad range of individuals and organizations to support youth well-being. The OCMH website has a number of resources, including?parenting advice videos and tips, supports for families,?fact sheets?about mental health,?trauma-informed care training videos, and information about?lived experience?in understanding and responding to youth mental health.
?We know what works. We know that having positive relationships with supportive adults can make a significant difference in a young person?s life," said OCMH Director Linda Hall. She encourages every adult to be part of improving youth mental health, "We know how powerful social connectedness is to emotional wellness?? how schools, community organizations, neighborhoods, and faith-based communities can all fulfill that connection. Everyone from school principals to policymakers, pediatricians to parents can help address the mental health crisis impacting Wisconsin?s children.?
What We Can Do
To get in touch with the Office of Children?s Mental Health, email [email protected].