From VoteVets <>
Subject As honest and direct as we can be
Date June 27, 2022 4:04 PM
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Let us be as honest and direct as we can be.

All of the issues we care about are in trouble if Democrats lose the Senate.

The good news is, if we find two more votes, that gets us 50 votes to bypass the filibuster which opens up a lot of possibilities in the next two years.

There are very few outside organizations with more of an ability to impact some of those Senate races than VoteVets.

In many instances, we can be more effective than the candidates in persuading independents to vote.

But we simply cannot do it without your help. Almost all our donations come from people like you chipping in. So with our FEC deadline coming up, we’re asking:

Can you PLEASE use this link to make a contribution to VoteVets today? We will put it right to work winning the races we need for Democrats to hold and expand their Senate majorities.

CONTRIBUTE: [link removed]

At VoteVets, we are a program that actually spends money on programs when you donate. We are already on the air with a 7-figure buy in Georgia. So you can be sure the contribution you make today goes toward our goals.

Thank you,

The team at VoteVets

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