From Connecticut Republican Party <>
Subject Trunk Talk: Your Weekly Newsletter from the CTGOP
Date June 27, 2022 12:04 PM
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Dear John,

This is your weekly newsletter from the Connecticut Republicans called "Trunk Talk." We hope you enjoy these updates.

In case you missed it, below are a few recent highlights from the Connecticut Republicans on what is happening in Connecticut and in the news nationwide.

Repealing tax relief in CT: Same as a tax increase, or just bad policy? ([link removed])
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Capitol Report: CT's diesel tax going up 9 cents ([link removed])
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CT Legislative Republicans Pitch $746 Million Tax Relief Plan ([link removed])
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CT Republican Leaders Rally for an Affordable Connecticut ([link removed])
We are fighting back against Ned Lamont and the Democrats' lack of transparency and radical agenda. Your generous support will help us continue to rally for an affordable Connecticut.

You can donate here: [link removed]
Save Our State ([link removed])
In the News:

Biden accidentally flashed a cue card telling him exactly where to go and what to do at a White House event ([link removed])

Joe Biden's presidency is failing. And Americans are hurting because of it. ([link removed])

US, European Economies Slow Sharply as Recession Risks Grow ([link removed])

John, Connecticut Republicans are working overtime to stop the Democrats' radical agenda. We've held multiple office openings in June in both Fairfield and Waterbury. Our campaigns are already out knocking doors. Here's how to volunteer: Sign-Up Form ([link removed]) . With YOUR help, we can save our state and stand up for America.
If you want to join the Connecticut Comeback, your donation will help us take back the house in 2022, you can donate here: [link removed]

Join the Connecticut Comeback ([link removed])

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Connecticut Republican Party
176 Laning Street
Southington, Connecticut 06489
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