This is the most personal and vulnerable email I have ever sent you… But I must share my story and tell you why I created the BLEXIT Foundation.
Before I share my story, allow me to introduce the BLEXIT Foundation.
For too long, I have watched Black Americans force-fed a message of victimhood, fear, defeat, and dependence. And, this has to stop. In 2019, with Brandon Tatum, we created BLEXIT Foundation - a nonprofit organization - dedicated to bringing traditional American principles and a message of empowerment to urban minority communities.
Our message to America’s black and minority communities is that you are not a victim. We promote economic independence and individual freedom, strengthening the nuclear family, and fostering a deeper appreciation for patriotism in Black American culture.
Now I’ll share my story… racism, death threats, and empowering black communities.
Growing up as a black woman, I can recall learning how “helpless” I was told I was. And this message - which the media forces Black Americans to listen to - is heartbreaking.
We’re taught to believe we’re victims, that nothing will ever change, the police are our enemies, and racism prevents us from ever achieving our goals.
This is WRONG.
I’ve dealt with racism… I’ve even received death threats. Racism is an ugly form of collectivism and is unacceptable.
But the solution is NOT to become a victim and give up.
I created the BLEXIT Foundation to empower black communities, minorities, and the people in my life whom I love. Since our start in 2019, BLEXIT has grown substantially with over 41 grassroots chapter programs in 41 states, over 14,000 volunteer members and local community leaders, and nearly 60,000 grassroots supporters.
Friend, I am inviting you to support the BLEXIT Foundation and help us spread our winning message of entrepreneurship, school choice, faith, and family. My goal is to raise $25,000 from online supporters to fund our mission. Please click here to donate $10, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or any amount.
I am breaking the rules.
It seems like every email I receive in my inbox engages in fear-mongering, makes big promises, and demands you and I make a donation without any of the details… I’m not doing that.
You should know the details, believe in our mission, and understand how BLEXIT is changing the direction of our urban communities and our country.
So I am taking a risk by sending you a long email with all the details to empower YOU to choose to support the BLEXIT Foundation. Please read to the end of this email (I have an important message at the end you don’t want to miss).
When I founded BLEXIT, I wanted to make sure above all else we were NOT just a “think tank”, but rather we pride ourselves on being a thoughtful and quick acting “DO-tank”. We’re doing things no other organization in the country is doing.
Here are the BLEXIT Foundation’s values, what we’re doing to reach Black communities, and what we’re fighting for:
- School Choice: Often, the people allegedly “fighting for minorities” are doing everything in their power to keep Black and Hispanic students locked into awful schools.
The ugly truth is that these schools are simply brainwashing centers attacking the nuclear family, creating victims, and teaching their twisted values. BLEXIT is fighting for School Choice to empower young Black and Hispanic students to learn real skills, have more opportunities, and escape poverty. You can support BLEXIT’s efforts to fight for School Choice here >>>
- Criminal Justice Reform: The mainstream media wants urban communities to hate our law enforcement officers. This ugly message is setting Black Americans back. The BLEXIT Foundation supports our men and women who serve as police officers and defend our communities.
Yes, we do need criminal justice reform. But we believe cooperating with our police officers and connecting as a community is critical to creating justice. BLEXIT Foundation is starting conversations with police officers and urban communities. The media wants you to believe cops are evil! This is wrong. But people never hear this message.
Help the BLEXIT Foundation change the narrative by making a donation here >>>
- Entrepreneurship: I am passionate about empowering Black and Hispanic Americans. Free markets, responsibility, and advancing the careers of urban communities is the solution to poverty. The BLEXIT Foundation identifies young leaders in urban communities and helps them create resumes, practice interviews, and learn skills employers desire.
BLEXIT is not a book club or simply talking a big game… No, we’re actually making an impact with real individuals committed to serving urban communities. Please help the BLEXIT Foundation encourage entrepreneurship and empower Black and Hispanic communities by donating here >>>
- Teaching History: Critical Race Theory has nothing to do with solving race relations in our country. This is about division and spreading a victimhood message.
The BLEXIT Foundation believes in teaching real American history. It is critical for our urban communities to learn about our Founding Fathers and the Constitution to become productive and educated citizens. Please help the BLEXIT Foundation teach real American history by donating here >>>
- Presenting Our Message: We have failed to reach urban communities with our message and values. Instead, we’ve allowed the mainstream media to write the narrative. Not anymore.
The BLEXIT Foundation is going places where no one else goes. We’re hosting events in Detroit, Baltimore, and Tampa and starting real conversations. We’re not just preaching to the choir, and these aren’t boring events. They have music, art, and real conversations, and they are fun! I am committed to reaching urban communities and spreading our message. Please support BLEXIT’s events and help us spread our message by donating here >>>
What does “BLEXIT” mean? BLEXIT is the Black exit from the culture of victimhood, fear, and dependence the media has forced on us. If you hold a permanent view of yourself as a victim you become your own oppressor.
This is personal to me.
I was once a slave to a culture of victimhood and became a proud Black patriot.
Friend, I am asking you to join the BLEXIT Foundation by making an investment in our organization. Please use one of the links I’ve copied below to donate today:
This is my last message to you before you close this email.
The BLEXIT Foundation believes in faith, family, and freedom. At the end of the day, our message to urban communities is about love and empowerment.
My burning desire is to use my voice and change the direction of our urban communities and the country. The BLEXIT Foundation has a real impact, and I am inviting you to join our cause.
Please consider making the most generous donation you can today by clicking here.
Thank you, Friend.

Candace Owens
BLEXIT Foundation