Hello John

Extinction Rebellion is four years old and our mission is bigger than ever, but we are on our way to building a movement powerful enough to change the course of history.


In April we planted a seed – we took a new approach to rebellion, focusing on recruiting, training and engaging thousands of people into action.  We’re committed to building a mass movement of 3.5% of the population - because when huge numbers of people take sustained nonviolent civil disobedience together, they become impossible for the government to ignore. 


Starting September 10th we will build on what we started in April, taking a radical new approach while gaining momentum and growing in numbers as we go. Will you be part of the 3.5% who step up and turn things around? 

Close your eyes for a moment. Picture what winning looks like; what seemed politically impossible just months before becomes inevitable as a movement too big for the government to ignore reclaims power for the people.


Now open your eyes and let’s make it real, together.

Love & Rage,

The September Design Team


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