From Max Rose, JOHN (2) <[email protected]>
Subject Nicole voted against abortion rights and gun control
Date June 27, 2022 12:26 AM
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I wanted to make sure you saw my note from earlier this morning, JOHN: In just four days, we’re facing our most important end-of-quarter fundraising deadline yet.

Will you chip in today to help us reach this critical deadline? [link removed]

This week my opponent voted against the bipartisan gun control bill and then stated that the Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v Wade didn’t go far enough. Her stances have put her to the right of even Mitch McConnel and will put millions of lives at risk. We simply cannot afford to lose the House this November.

So, I’m asking: Will you make a contribution to help us hit our end-of-quarter fundraising goal and flip this seat back to blue so we can hold the line against outright attacks on our most basic rights?

Donate Now » [link removed]

Thank you,


On Sunday, June 26, at 12:48 PM, Max Rose wrote:


It’s that time again: Our campaign is rapidly approaching our quarterly FEC fundraising deadline, in which we’re required to report how much we raised down to the penny.

I’m going to explain why this deadline is a little more important than the other ones, but I have to ask: Can you help my team and I raise $100,000 before our deadline on June 30 by chipping in today?  

Donate Now » [link removed]

 JOHN, a lot has happened since our last end-of-quarter fundraising deadline: Redistricting has led us to rethink our strategy, shift our spending, and expand our outreach to new parts of our community.

At the same time, the right to choose, the right to live safely in our communities, the right to exercise our voices at the polls – some of our most fundamental rights – are under attack.

Everyday it becomes more and more clear that so much is on the line in November.

If we want to protect our most essential freedoms, we can no longer allow Congress to be overrun by far-right extremists like Nicole Malliotakis.

Reporting a strong fundraising quarter is key to our success because all the pundits, the reporters, the political insiders will be scouring our report for any sign of weakness – and they all need to see that this campaign has what it takes to pull off this victory.

Bottom line: I’m counting on you to step up in a big way. Will you chip in today to help us reach our most important fundraising goal yet?

Donate Now » [link removed]

Thank you for your continued support. It really means so much to me.


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Max Rose For Congress
P.O. Box 100496
Staten Island, NY 10310

Paid for by Max Rose For Congress

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