The radical Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade and upending 50 years of precedent is nothing short of devastating. Although abortion remains legal in Florida for now, we know this decision will needlessly harm the lives of millions for years to come.



For context, my opponents have already called for a complete ban on abortion care in Florida, and here is the vote board from just a few weeks ago when every single member of the Republican Party voted against our amendment to include an excpetion into their 15-week abortion ban for victims of rape and incest:



And remember, this is from the same folks who opposed 12-weeks of paid maternity pay, expanded Medicaid for young children, and increased education funding.



So, what do we do? Well, here's a list of available resources, abortion access organizations, and partner networks:


  • Floridians for Reproductive Freedom: The statewide coalition that educates about the importance of, and advocates for, convenient, affordable, and safe access to the full range of reproductive health care – from abortion, to birth control, to evidence-based sex education. 

  • Keep Our Clinics:  Support independent community providers who provide the majority of abortion care in the US.

  • M+A Hotline: a confidential, private, and secure phone and text hotline for people in need of support for self-managed miscarriage or abortion.

  • Repro Legal Helpline: If you have questions about self-managed abortion and the law, the Repro Legal Helpline can help. The Repro Legal Helpline is a free, confidential source for legal advice and information on self-managed abortion. Visit or call 844-868-2812.

  • Find a clinic - to find vetted, up to date, and personalized info on how to get an abortion; no search or user data saved. 

  • SisterSong: SisterSong is a Southern-based, national membership organization; their purpose is to build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities.

  • All* Above All: All* Above All is a catalyst for abortion justice. They envision a world where abortion care is affordable, available, and supported for everyone who needs it.

  • If/When/How: If/When/How envisions a transformation of the legal systems and institutions that perpetuate oppression into structures that realize justice, and a future when all people can self-determine their reproductive lives free from discrimination, coercion, or violence.

  • Urge: A #ReproJustice, #POC-led org for young people in the South + Midwest. Centering POC & #Queer folk.

  • National Abortion Federation: The National Abortion Federation (NAF) is the professional association of #abortion providers.

  • In Our Own Voice: Lifting up the voices of Black women fighting for Reproductive Justice.

  • National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice: National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice (the Latina Institute) builds Latina/x power to fight for the fundamental human right to reproductive health, dignity, and justice.

  • Planned Parenthood: call 1-800-230-PLAN to make an appointment or visit to get abortion care. 

  • Plan C: Plan C provides up-to-date information on how people in the U.S. are accessing abortion pills online.

  • Provides information about using abortion pills to end an unintended pregnancy, with or without a clinician.


And if you want to help make sure we make them pay at the ballot box this November, here's how to support, volunteer, and contribute to the campaign to do just that:



As a reminder, our seat, this one, is what is keeping Republicans from having a super-majority in Florida. Every seat redder than FL-69 is held by a Republican, every seat bluer by a Democrat. This is the line we must hold.
