Today is Giving Tuesday -- a day dedicated to giving to important causes. And, while you're considering where to give your money, we want to encourage you to think about donating to Harley Rouda's re-election campaign.

While in office, Harley has fought for so many of us: he's sponsored legislation to aid survivors of domestic abuse. He's fought to protect our LGBTQ community members from discrimination. And he's authored amendments to ensure that our oceans are safe for us today and for our children tomorrow. 

In fact, Harley's been working so hard to protect the American people that he was even named the most legislatively productive freshman in Congress. But, to keep Harley right where he is, we need your help >>>

Harley's in a very tight race, and we need him to stay in Congress so that he can keep doing the amazing work that he has been doing. 

Will you donate just $5 to keep Harley right where he is, fighting for the American people?

Thank you!

-- Rouda HQ


Harley Rouda serves California's 48th district in Congress. In 2018, Harley defeated the 15-term incumbent Dana Rohrabacher in the very first political campaign of Harley's life. During his time in Congress, he's embraced common sense and values to tackle climate change, address deteriorating infrastructure, confront homelessness, and protect Social Security and Medicare. In 2020, Harley will be facing one of the toughest re-election fights in the entire country, so he's depending on the support of grassroots individuals. If you want to support Harley's re-election, you can donate here. If you'd like to no longer receive emails from his campaign, you can unsubscribe.