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If John Sarbanes won't stand up to his buddies in Annapolis for you, then why would he stand up for you in DC?

This week, I held a press conference in Annapolis to call on Speaker Adrienne Jones and Senate President Bill Ferguson to stop the gas tax from INCREASING by 18% on July 1, and to permanently untie the gas tax from inflation. I also called on Congressman John Sarbanes to stand up to his democrat buddies and actually fight for his constituents. You know what I heard from them? …… silence.

I WILL fight for you. As an attorney, I advocate and fight for my clients. I know how to get results, and I will do the same for you as your next congresswoman.  

I need your help to do this. The new map made District 3 very winnable, and everyone from the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee) to Governor Hogan has taken notice. However, the NRCC needs to know that we can do our part financially to win this race before they commit significant financial resources. That means that we need to raise enough money to reach voters through digital ads, radio, mail, and of course tv. You and I know that we can win this race, but a strong financial report lets everyone else know too.

We have a goal of raising $20,000 by June 30, 2022 which is the federal reporting deadline. Please help us meet our fundraising goal by pitching in $22, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or $2,900.

So please join us on June 29 at Blackwall Hitch for a fundraiser hosted by State Senators Ed Reilly and Bryan Simonaire; Delegates Nic Kipke, Brian Chisholm, Rachel Munoz, Sid Saab, and Seth Howard; Councilwoman and County Executive Candidate Jessica Haire, and Sheriff Jim Fredericks. Our dedicated and hardworking Anne Arundel County elected leaders believe that we can win this race. I need your financial support to make that happen. You can purchase tickets here, and also email Chelsea at [email protected] for sponsorship opportunities and questions. Even if you can’t attend, your financial contribution would be greatly appreciated.

Also, if you watch WBFF Fox 45 Baltimore in the mornings, you may see me in my capacity as a legal analyst. While the role is not campaign related, I have always believed that voters are better served with a qualified candidate who understands law and government and the limitations of both. 

Finally, we’re less than a month away from the primary! There are A LOT of volunteer opportunities. We need folks to go door knocking, sign waving, help put up signs, and walk in 4th of July paradeS. Yep, that’s parades with an S. We’ll have teams walking in the Severna Park, Howard County, and Annapolis 4th of July parades so please let us know if you can walk with us. You will get a t-shirt and my eternal gratitude! Please email [email protected] to let us know that you will help and your t-shirt size.

I need you to believe and invest in me. There are many ways you can help but the biggest help comes from donations and hosting fundraisers. Please help us meet our fundraising goal by pitching in $22, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or $2,900.


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*|7596 Ritchie Hwy #2408, Glen Burnie, Maryland 21061|* 

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