John -- breaking news from federal court in San Diego: Rep. Duncan Hunter just pled guilty to the criminal charges against him and will be vacating his once-safe GOP seat.

This bombshell news comes a mere 90 days before the election (March 3) and just 60 days before voting begins - so we MUST ACT NOW to save the 50th Congressional District.

Here is what we know so far:

--The polling shows I will pick up what was left of Hunter’s support base and it will add to our current lead to save the seat.

--The Democrats are maneuvering to trigger a Special Election so they can get the Democrat candidate into office before the November election. Because the Democrat has a funding advantage right now, they think they have a shot at winning in a Special Election.

We MUST make up ground in funding versus our Democrat opponent ASAP so we are prepared to compete in a Special Election.

Can you contribute anything RIGHT NOW so we can achieve equal funding status against our Democrat opponent?

I cannot overstate this development in our campaign to save the 50th Congressional District!

But we MUST get this Special Election fund ready NOW. Please do WHATEVER you can now!

Carl DeMaio