![]() Patriot, Congress’ radical assault on the Second Amendment this week foreshadowed a long, dark period coming up later this year: the post-election “lame duck” session. We saw Democrats in both chambers partner with big-government statist Republicans to ram through a major escalation in Washington’s war on patriotic Americans: literally, the seizure of our firearms without due process of law. Thankfully, the action will slow down over the summer, while many of these miserable excuses for “leaders” are home campaigning for re-election. But after the November election, we’re going to see all of these same tricks again. Tricks like stuffing highly controversial legislation like the “Green New Deal” amended into trivial bills to name post offices, allowing them to skip the committee process. And of course, negotiating will be done behind closed doors, so the public has no time to read the bills, and then alert and mobilize the public. If the “red wave” the pundits predict comes to pass, Democrats will be absolutely desperate to do everything they possibly can in those final two months of the term. And we need to be prepared when that time comes. We know what’s on the top of their agenda. The provisions of the “Great Reset”: AOC’s job-destroying “Green New Deal” Stating “every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” the elite’s plan for a “Great Reset” calls for massive government investments in less-efficient, “green” energy, a ban on drilling for oil and natural gas and a host of other economy-crushing “green” regulations on businesses. It's no surprise gas prices are skyrocketing given the plan to eliminate fossil fuels; A complete authoritarian police state regime Despite nobody really tuning in, Democrats will declare their sham January 6 hearings a success and propose every possible expansion of their “domestic terror task force” at the Department of Justice and the FBI. The “Red Flag” law Congress just passed was a central part of this scheme. Complete destruction of the U.S. dollar Every time they lose power, Democrats love to start as many fires as possible. Look for colossal spending bills to fund the radical left – as the “Red Flag” law Congress just passed did. Student loan “forgiveness,” piles of money for the CDC, WHO, Ukraine, and on and on. That’s why we need to plan for this season early. As in now. So Patriot, can I count on you to make a contribution to help Campaign for Liberty plan for the mobilization we know we will need to mount when “lame duck” session starts right after the November election? Your generous support will help Campaign for Liberty mobilize up to 10 million Americans to turn up the heat on Congress to stop the “Lame Duck Glut” by: 1)Deploying targeted online Internet ads to turn up the heat on the members of Congress to say
“NO!” to the radical left’s rejected agenda; 2)Using mail and email to contact up to 10 million Americans from coast-to-coast to FLOOD Congress with petitions and letters; 3)Using modern and old-school communication methods to inform patriots about the dirty tricks we know they plan to pull – and why it’s absolutely critical to fight back while we still can; 4) Launching an all-out email and phone mobilization campaign to explain to the American people exactly how congressional Democrats plan to inflict as much pain upon them as possible in the final months of their term – and mobilize them to stop their plans. Of course, I know money is tight for many these days resulting from all of the Biden regime’s failed policies and willful destruction of the economy. It is for Campaign for Liberty as well. I also know this is a battle you and I can’t afford to lose. So please make your most generous contribution of $100, $200, $500, or more right away to help Campaign for Liberty to help us prepare to thwart the last thrashings of the “lame duck” Congress that we know is going to be a massive battle come November. Thanks for all you do for Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. This week’s gun-grab legislation proved what the Democrats can do when just a few RINO statist Republicans join them. Imagine what two solid months of “lame duck” will look like. We will need to be prepared to fight them at every turn. Your contribution today, of $100, $200, $500, or whatever you can afford will help us plan and budget for the final fight of the legislative cycle, in which everything is on the line. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American
principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education,
issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |