Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

June 26, 2022

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In Search of Monsters
Stopping the War

Featuring President Andrew Bacevich & Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven
Radio Open Source/Quincy Institute, 6/23/22

Four months into the war in Ukraine, 20 weeks of radio talk about it, the last episode in this limited series ends where it began: with the question of "what can be done to stop this war?"



Active Denial: A Roadmap to a More Effective, Stabilizing, and Sustainable U.S. Defense Strategy in Asia
Wednesday, July 6 from 12-1PM Eastern
Discussion featuring Michael Swaine, Mike Mochizuki, & Eric Heginbotham, moderated by Rachel Esplin Odell



Active Denial: A Roadmap to a More Effective, Stabilizing, and Sustainable U.S. Defense Strategy in Asia

By Rachel Esplin Odell, Eric Heginbotham, John Culver, Eric Gomez, Brian Killough, Steven Kosiak, Jessica Lee, Brad Martin, Mike Mochizuki, & Michael Swaine
Quincy Institute, 6/22/22

The most detailed, expert-based set of assessments and analysis of U.S. military posture in Asia available to the public.


The Perils of Shaping a Recalcitrant World
By President Andrew Bacevich & Deputy Communications Director Alex Jordan
Nation, 6/22/22

Relying on military power to shape events in distant countries requires very deep pockets and infinite patience—neither of which we currently possess.


‘Active Denial:’ The Best Way to Challenge Status Quo and Avoid War with China
By Michael Swaine, East Asia Director
Responsible Statecraft, 6/23/2

Major military force posture report emphasizes a restructuring of U.S. deployments and bolstering partners in the West Pacific.


What the Fall of Empires Tells Us About the Ukraine War
By Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow
Foreign Policy, 6/20/22

Russia's war can be understood as a bloody post-imperial conflict. 


Empire Burlesque: What Comes After the American Century?
By Daniel Bessner, Non-Resident Fellow
Harpers, 6/21/22

What comes after the American century?


The Pentagon Gets More Money, and Americans Pay the Price
By Katrina vanden Heuvel, Board Member
Washington Post, 6/21/22

Bipartisanship is a rare and endangered species in today’s bitterly divided Washington. Except when it comes to one thing: the Pentagon budget.


The Government’s Investigation into Brookings Should Worry Think Tanks
By Journalist at Large Eli Clifton & Research Fellow Ben Freeman
Nation, 6/23/22

Accepting foreign government funding may just have gotten harder for think tanks.



Group Says Biden Owns Failure if Iran Deal Dies, Cited: Quincy Institute, National Security Daily/ Politico, 6/24/22

Will China and Russia Stay Aligned? Contributor: President Andrew Bacevich, Foreign Affairs, 6/24/22

Expert Groups Say Biden Should Show ‘Political Courage’ on Iran Deal Return by Managing Editor Ben Ambruster, Responsible Statecraft, 6/24/22

Earthquake Poses Test of U.S. Resistance to the Taliban by Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Responsible Statecraft, 6/24/22

Diplomacy Watch: How Much is the U.S. Focused on It? By Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 6/24/22

VIDEO: The Costs of Foreign Money at Think Tanks by Multimedia Media Producer Khody Akhavi, Journalist at Large Eli Clifton, and Research Associate Ben Freeman, Quincy Institute, 6/23/22

Russia Down, NATO Up in Poll of European, Asian Countries by Contributing Editor Jim Lobe, Responsible Statecraft, 6/23/22

Groups Tell Congress to Stick to Biden's Budget by Lara Seligman, Paul Mcleary, & Quint Forgey, Cited: Quincy Institute, Politico, 6/22/22

A Peace Settlement in Ukraine by Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Nation, 6/22/22

WEBCAST: The New Right: Ukraine Marks Major Foreign Policy Shift Among Conservatives featuring Mollie Hemmingway, Saurabh Sharma, Emile Doak, George Beebe, & Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Quincy Institute, 6/22/22

U.S. Nemesis Muqtada al-Sadr Throws Iraqi Parliament into the Air by Senior Research Analyst Steven Simon, Responsible Statecraft, 6/22/22

Intel Report Warned Abraham Accords Would Fuel Violence by Ken Klippenstein/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, The Intercept, 6/22/22

U.S. Needs Nimbler Asia Posture to Blunt China’s Punch: Study by Ken Moriyasu/ Cited: East Asia Director Michael Swaine & Non-Resident Fellow Mike Mochizuki, Nikkei Asia, 6/22/22

WEBCAST: Al Qaeda: Evergreen Threat or Yesterday’s Fight? Featuring Tricia Bacon, Daniel Byman, Asfandyar Mir, & Adam Weinstein, Quincy Institute, 6/21/22

America’s Modern Addiction to the Big Stick. by Non-Resident Fellow Monica Duffy Toft, Responsible Statecraft, 6/21/22

Is Warfare a Human Destiny? By Non-Resident Fellow Lawrence Wilkerson, Responsible Statecraft, 6/21/22

Iran Nuclear Talks on the Verge of Collapse by Vali Golmohammadi/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Observer Research Foundation, 6/21/22

Biden Dumps Weapons into Ukraine by Editorial Director Kelley Vlahos, Spectator World, 6/20/22

PODCAST: Biden Will Get Nothing in Return For Bowing to the Sociopathic Crown Prince featuring Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Background Briefing with Ian Masters, 6/20/22

New Report Finds Dangerous Levels of ‘Forever Chemicals’ Around U.S. Military Bases by Researcher Nick Cleveland-Stout, Responsible Statecraft, 6/20/22

Ukraine Minister Kuleba Accuses Critics of Being ‘Enablers of Putin’ by Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 6/20/22

U.S., Iran Still Trying to Close Gap on Nuclear Deal by Ali Hashem & Elizabeth Hagedorn/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Al-Monitor, 6/20/22

Trail of Tears by Non-Resident Fellow Ann Jones, TomDispatch, 6/19/22


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