Folks, here are some of the most prominent Virginia Republicans in their own words on Roe v Wade being overturned. Democrats won't go back — rush a donation now to help us defend abortion in Virginia from these folks:
Governor Glenn Youngkin
“I’m proud to be a pro-life governor and plan to take every action I can to protect life”
Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears
“I applaud the Court for recognizing this wrong and having the courage to correct it.”
Speaker of the House of Delegates Todd Gilbert
"The Supreme Court of the United States today corrected a nearly five decades old decision”
GOP nominee for Congress in VA-07, Yesli Vega
“Today’s decision by the Supreme Court corrects the grave misreading of the 14th Amendment made in 1973.”
GOP nominee for Congress in VA-10, Hung Cao
“I am thrilled to see the Justices stand by their decision”
State Senator & GOP nominee for Congress in VA-02, Jen Kiggans
"This is our chance to stand against these extremist Democrat policies up until the moment of birth”
Republicans are snapping at the bit to strip away our rights. Virginia Democrats are the only thing that stands in their way. We’re here to fight for you and protect you against this wave of Republican extremism. We won’t go back - chip in today to help us keep up the fight for our rights!
Virginia Democrats