From Susan Bysiewicz <[email protected]>
Subject Connecticut Democrats are asking for your support today
Date June 26, 2022 2:03 PM
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Hi John, I’m reaching out today because the Connecticut Democratic Party needs your support before this month’s end-of-quarter fundraising deadline.

This Thursday at midnight, Democrats in Connecticut will face their most important fundraising deadline of the 2022 election year. Can you donate here to help Democrats in our state win up and down the ballot this November? [[link removed] ]DONATE [[link removed]]

Radical Republican lawmakers have been working to enact oppressive and discriminatory laws across the country. In the face of their attacks, Democrats in Connecticut have acted as our first line of defense in ensuring that our state remains a safe haven for the LGBTQI+ community and people who need abortions or other forms of reproductive healthcare.

Under Democratic leadership, our state acquired a $1.77 billion surplus which we are utilizing to cut car and property taxes for working and middle-class families, retirees, and people with student loans.

These improvements to the everyday lives of Connecticut residents were made possible with the help of our Democratic State House and Senate majorities. It is also thanks to the Democratic Congressional delegation’s leadership on the bipartisan infrastructure bill that Connecticut saw historic investments in our state’s economy.

We must continue our work of building a better Connecticut by electing Democrats up and down the ballot this November.

Connecticut Democrats are relying on grassroots donations from supporters like you. Can you donate $8 today to help ensure that every Democratic candidate in our state has the support they need this year? [[link removed]]

Thanks for supporting Democrats in this critical moment, and let’s continue making the Connecticut difference every day.

Thank you for your support,

Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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