
Let’s be very clear what the Supreme Court has done: Overturning Roe v Wade means that at least half of America has lost their right to choose what’s best for them and whether abortion can even be a consideration. With no exceptions.

And when we say no exceptions, that means even when the life of a mother is at stake. Even in cases of incest. Even in cases of rape.

It’s a cruel decision against every woman and girl, and the worst part is: It’s meant to be cruel.

The justices who have decided to overturn 50 years of precedent were nominated and confirmed by Republicans… Republicans like my opponent Chuck Grassley, who was chair of the Judiciary Committee when he blocked Merrick Garland and rammed through Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

Chuck Grassley is responsible for this – for this cruelty – and this November, he will receive due justice. We will donate, organize, and then out-vote his supporters. His long string of victories in the ballot box will screech to a halt.

The future of women’s rights is now at stake. Please, will you chip in now to my campaign – whatever you can afford – to help me defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and expand our Democratic Senate majority?

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It has never been more important that we codify Roe v Wade in law once and for all. But the only way we’ll do it is if we win this November.

Thank you for joining this fight against cruelty and injustice.

Mike Franken, U.S. Navy Vice Admiral (ret.)