When many of us begin Sunday worship, it will be roughly 48 hours since the miracle of the Dobbs decision.
For 50 years, the evil of Roe has governed our nation and mandated the sanctioning of abortion across our country, even as it defied the will of the people.
The circumstances we now find ourselves in could only be described as a miracle – as part of a story only a loving, all-powerful God could write for a people that He very much still has plans for.
On this Sunday morning, I wanted to send you an email that isn’t about policy or politics – just a reminder that the life issue isn’t a political one, it’s a biblical one. And I wanted to send you a reminder of who deserves the praise.
Our God is good, and He reigns supreme!
Here are some pro-life verses to encourage you this Sunday morning. In the coming weeks, we will be rolling out resources for believers and for our churches. I’d encourage you to talk with your pastor about joining our Frontline Church Leadership Coalition. If they would like to receive important information – including “what should pastors say about Dobbs” – please have them email [email protected].