You know me - I’m not one to mince words. I’m never going to beat around the bush, and I’m always going to give it to you straight.
The End-of-Quarter is right around the corner, officially it’s 4 days away.
Before you click away and disregard this email I’d like you to know just how important this is.
After today, all of my fundraising numbers will be public - and after the numbers go public, the Democrats and their cronies will circle up and start concocting a formula for my defeat.
We can’t pull our punches here - we’ve got to show them that we won’t make this easy for them.
I’m asking for you to lend me your support. When the numbers go public and the Democrats open the books on my campaign finances, I want them to be awestruck by our success.
God bless you, and God bless America.
John Kennedy
Paid for by John Kennedy for Us
John Kennedy for Us
P.O. Box 80418
Baton Rouge, LA 70808