Hello John,

Yesterday morning started like any other. I was in the drive through getting my morning coffee when I got the news alert. I knew that this was coming, but to see it actually making the headlines was harder than I thought. When I got to my office I reached out to some of my fellow Democrats here in town and let them know that I would be holding a press conference and a rally that day to voice our collective outrage. We were able to reach out to local activists and influencers and my campaign team sent out 2000 texts. Before we knew it, word was spreading.

Our event in Idaho Falls, with little notice, had about 160 attendees show up. We were fortunate enough to hear from some great speakers. My speech is linked below. The reaction to our rally was positive. I spoke to many attendees and several told me the same thing, "they needed this." They needed to feel like they were doing something.

We have just lost a fundamental right. And more are on the chopping block. This is not the time for patience and persistence. It is the time to be relentless. We will continue to fight, to march, to protest, to rally, to talk, and most importantly to listen as we try to bring better representation to the people of Idaho. I will fight for you. I will be relentless in my pursuit of the protections for all Americans.

We will keep fighting. Will you join us? In order to win this race we will need your financial support. National protection of the woman's right to choose will require us to gain seats in the Senate. Can I count on your support?