Yesterday, 6 unelected justices on the Supreme Court went against the majority of Americans who want access to safe, legal abortion, and overturned Roe v. Wade.
This means that half of the states in the U.S. will move to severely restrict or outright ban abortion — and soon. Millions of people will be harmed by this decision. We must do whatever is necessary to fight for our rights.
Women’s March is conducting a nationwide survey to identify what levels of action our base is willing to take now that the Court has handed down their ruling. The survey only takes 30 seconds to fill out. And it’s important for us to get 100% participation — so please click the link below to finish your survey.
Once you’re done taking your survey, please forward this email along to friends, family, and allies who may be interested in taking action as well. The broader level of response we get, the better we’ll be prepared for the fight in the days, weeks, and months ahead.
Thank you,
Women’s March