Marjorie Taylor
Greene Boasts Telling Reporter to 'Go Back to Your Country' When
Pressed on U.S. Gun Violence
Marjorie Taylor Greene is again making headlines for telling a
British reporter to "go back to your country" after being asked about
gun control.
The heated exchange, which occurred during a press conference, was
proudly shared by the Georgia Republican on Twitter.
"When British press wants to argue about our God-given
American gun rights, my answer is: 'go back to your own country,'"
Greene wrote.
The reporter questioned Greene about her stance on gun control,
saying that in the U.K., "we don't have guns ... but we don't have
mass shootings either."
Greene then snapped at her, claiming that the U.K. has "all kinds
of murder" and adding, "you have mass stabbings, lady."
"Well, you can go back to your country and worry about your no
guns," Greene continued. "We like our guns here."
This is
an embarrassment -- and she must be held accountable at the ballot box
this November. That’s why we’re supporting Marcus Flowers, the
Democrat and Army Veteran running to unseat her.
Marcus set a goal of raising $250,000 by the end of June --
and we need at least 35 more contributions by midnight to stay on
track and reach it.
you chip in today help our campaign reach this goal?
We know Marjorie Taylor Greene is beatable. She didn’t even have an
opponent in 2010, but this year, Marcus will unseat her once and for
This is a winnable race. Let’s show the country that Georgia is
much better than Marjorie Taylor Greene has demonstrated.
Flowers for Congress
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Marcus for Georgia PO Box 532 Rome, GA 30162 United