From Jasmine Beach-Ferrara <[email protected]>
Subject We cannot go backwards
Date June 25, 2022 7:25 PM
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This is urgent, folks.

The Supreme Court just issued a ruling in the Dobbs case, overturning Roe v. Wade.

Even though we knew this was coming, the reality of it hits hard. I can’t stop thinking about the millions of people whose lives and health are going to be put at serious risk because they cannot access the reproductive health care they need.

This is a direct attack on the right to health care, the right to privacy, and equal protection under the law. More than 26 states are anticipated to outright ban abortions now that Roe is overturned.

NC-11 is a winnable seat and we need to flip this seat in order to codify Roe into federal law. Will you chip in $25 or more to my campaign to send me to Congress to protect abortion access?

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Let me be clear: abortion remains legal in North Carolina – but what is clearer than ever is that we must be ever vigilant about protecting this right.

We cannot go backwards. Every single race on the ballot matters more now than ever.

And that includes my race in NC-11. Everyone deserves the right to choose, and as a pro-choice pastor, I will be a vote in Congress to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law.

My Republican opponent, Chuck Edwards and his right-wing mega donors will do whatever it takes to defeat me and keep pushing their anti-choice agenda.

NC-11 needs a leader who is going to defend reproductive rights and codify Roe into federal law, and I’m ready to do that immediately. Will you rush $25 or more today to help me defeat my anti-choice opponent Chuck Edwards?

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The decision to get an abortion is deeply personal and often difficult, and lawmakers have no right to restrict that choice. The government should not be in the exam room as a person is making a deeply personal choice.

To those across the country who will be impacted by this, I want you to know that I'm with you.

In solidarity,


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Jasmine Beach-Ferrara for Congress
PO Box 7553
Asheville, NC 28802
United States

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