From Connecticut Democrats <[email protected]>
Subject The biggest breakthrough in decades
Date June 25, 2022 7:16 PM
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On the day of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the two U.S. Senators from Connecticut pledged to keep fighting until laws were changed to make our children and our communities safer.

This week, Senators Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal spearheaded the passage of the bipartisan Safer Communities Act — the biggest breakthrough in federal gun reform in three decades .

As you know, Senator Blumenthal and his Democratic colleagues from Connecticut will face their most important election yet this November — this is where we come in.

Connecticut Democrats have a robust mobilizing program that has proven to turnout record numbers of voters every year.

We’re still $25,000 short from our end-of-quarter goal — rush a donation of $30 today to support our work of electing Democrats up and down the ballot across Connecticut→ [[link removed] ]DONATE [[link removed]]

The bipartisan gun reform legislative package will expand background checks to the age of 21, and shrink the loopholes that allow domestic abusers to purchase weapons.

There is no doubt that we still have a long road ahead of us to ensure that tragedies like Sandy Hook or Uvalde never happen again, but Democrats from Connecticut have demonstrated their commitment to this fight time and time again.

John, this is why we must protect our Democratic majorities this year. Please click here to donate before Thursday’s quarterly fundraising deadline. [[link removed] ]

Thanks for your support,

Connecticut Democrats
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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