Outrageous Facts about the
Border Meltdown that You
(and Your Friends) Should Know
We're half-way to our match-campaign goal...
You can still get our free handout to print out and give to your friends!
Dear John,We're HALFWAY there! $176,000 Matching Campaign -- DONATE TODAY!
Have you ever felt that if people really understood how bad the meltdown is at the U.S. Mexico border, that more would be done to stop it?
Since you are a member of NumbersUSA, I know you are pretty well versed on how bad the situation has become since Pres. Biden took office and began to dismantle our border security system. But your friends and family may not know that much about it. How do you tell them?
I decided to pull together some important facts that just might shock you! We've made a one-page, printable document with 12 disturbing facts that we hope you'll print out and share with your friends.
Click to see larger version, or to donate.
To see the 12 Border Facts handout, click the red button below (or the graphic left). The handout is free: simply right click (or hit command and click) to open the image in a new tab to print. But stick around to donate to help us CHANGE the situation at the border. And if you donate, I'll send you a followup email with a link to the handout that is in a more easily printable form.
NumbersUSA Action needs your help to bring accountability to Congress. We're in the midst of a $156,000 match campaign. Generous donors have given us $78,000, hoping to inspire our members to come up with another $78,000.
But we're only half of the way to our goal. We need your help TODAY.
Remember: your gift will be matched, even if you've already given to this matching campaign.
If you donate $25, we'll get $50. If you donate $100, we'll get $200. Even if you give $1,000, we'll get $2,000.
Pay by Paypal or credit card: [link removed]
You'll find it hard to believe just how bad things have gotten on the border. But it's all true.
Let's start with the tragedy of fentanyl deaths in communities all across America.
The number of drugs illegally crossing our borders is not a direct issue for NumbersUSA which has always focused on the number of people illegally crossing our borders. But obviously when enforcement of the border is lax, it's so much easier to smuggle drugs along with the people. Our Border Patrol is much less likely to detect and stop the people moving drugs when they are mingled with a hundred thousand other people each month trying to illegally live and work in the United States.
Even so, U.S. authorities in fiscal year 2021 captured over 12,000 pounds of fentanyl from smugglers who were trying to get it into the United States. Since it takes only about 2 milligrams of fentanyl to kill most people, each pound of fentanyl could conceivably kill 225,000 Americans by drug overdose. 12,000 pounds could kill every man, woman, and child in this nation seven times over! And that's just what we CAUGHT! How much got in??? The fentanyl crisis has a number of causes, but our lax border policies concerning illegal aliens and other uninvited foreign nationals are certainly an important one of them.
Here are more disturbing, some would say infuriating, facts about illegal immigration from the U.S.-Mexico border. (You willl find the sources when you click to see the larger version of the handout.)
THIRTY PERCENT of illegal aliens don't have even a high-school education...
... so it's little wonder that
FORTY-SEVEN PERCENT are in or near poverty.
ONE MILLION people were caught crossing the border from Mexico...
... who aren't even from Mexico.
950,000 illegal aliens were released into the United States last year, after being caught...
... and that's WITH Title 42 and Remain in Mexico
policies in place much of the time.
If those 950,000 released illegal aliens represented half of illegal aliens who came last year...
... the population of illegal aliens in
the U.S. would double in just six years at that rate!
John, I know you agree that the situation at the border is disgraceful and unacceptable. The Biden administration must be held to account. Congress must be forced to exercise its constitutional duty of oversight of the executive branch's execution of federal law.
This is what we do at NumbersUSA. We put regular American citizens like you in touch with your members of Congress. We give you a voice. And when Congress tries to do outrageous things like pass amnesties even while our border is out-of-control, we stop them.
This takes money. It takes help from you. Please, if you haven't sent a donation to NumbersUSA in a while, please help us now while we are still running our Match Campaign.
Remember, your donations will be doubled, so if you donate $25, we'll get $50, and even if you give $1,000, we'll get $2,000!
Pay by Paypal or credit card: [link removed]
Please help us. We're grateful that you have used NumbersUSA's web page to send messages to Congress. Won't you please also print out the fact page at this link and help spread the word? Thank you for helping with your donation, today.
You can donate three ways:
1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.
2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.
3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.
Keep the faith and don't ever give up!
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Jim Robb
VP Operations
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at
[email protected].
P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.