We need to make 2020 the year of radical climate action.

Hi again John,

I wanted to make sure you saw my message from this morning. There are just a few hours left of Giving Tuesday and we're behind on our goal. All donations made today will be put right to work planning big, bold climate campaigns in 2020. We must ensure that next year is the biggest year yet for climate action.

Chip in before midnight and your gift will be matched dollar for dollar, thanks to a generous donor.

Thank you for your support,

My original message is below:

Hey John,

How does it feel knowing you helped get 7.6 MILLION PEOPLE on the streets for climate justice this year? Because I’ll let you in on a secret – the world’s biggest climate strikes couldn’t have happened without you.

Because global movements don’t just happen, John, they take infrastructure and months of strategy and planning. So when youth strikers around the world, including Greta, came up with a bold plan, 350 helped build the logistical backbone to make it explode worldwide.

John, the climate strikes captured the world’s attention – now we need to make 2020 the year of radical climate action. Can you chip in right now in honor of Giving Tuesday to support the organizers, tech, and training to power our global movement?

All gifts made today will be matched dollar for dollar thanks to a generous donor!

It’s hard to put an action of this scale into words, but I want to try and give you a sense of what was going on behind the scenes. Here’s just a glimpse:

For me, the most inspiring thing was seeing a new generation of activists take the lead. They are the voice of the movement, so we helped amplify this in any way we could – boosting their platform in the media, connecting youth strikers across the world, and coordinating a number of Greta’s appearances and meetings with political figures.

John, we don’t talk about tech infrastructure much because it’s so much more exciting to focus on the bold, vibrant actions taking place on the streets. But strikes across 185 countries took an immense amount of logistics, volunteers, trainings, and tools – all that takes money. Can you help us be ready to power the big climate moments of 2020?

In honor of Giving Tuesday, can you chip in a few dollars to fund the training, organizers, and tech we need to make 2020 a huge success? The Global Climate Strikes were only the beginning. We need to mobilize on a scale never seen before and we urgently need your help.

Any donation made today will be immediately doubled thanks to a generous donor, get your donation in today! We’ve come so far, we can’t afford to lose momentum now. It’s up to all of us to harness the global attention we’ve sparked – and make 2020 the year of climate justice. This Giving Tuesday, chip in just a few dollars for today, Giving Tuesday, to power the movement.

Thanks for your support,

P.S. Anything you can donate now will help power bigger, bolder actions than ever before. We have the ambition and vision, now we need the dollars to back it. If you can, please chip in today and make 2020 the year for radical climate action.

350.org is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and text 350 to 83224 to get important mobile action alerts. Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing. Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out our map to see if there's a local 350 group or event near you.

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