Insider News from the Political Revolution!
HEADLINES: Roe v. Wade - Fight Back! | Bernie’s Worker Power Tour! | GOTV Tuesday - IL & NY! | Our Rev on MSNBC! | Parker Wins DC Council Seat | Ro Khanna on Inflation Fixes | Fighting Fossil Fuel Greed | Bernie’s Bill to Expand Social Security | NJ Climate Rally | & MORE!
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Our Revolution is battling corporate power at every turn — advancing the labor fight, taking on monopolies, restoring democracy, and electing progressive allies to replace corporate Democrats. Become a RECURRING DONOR right now to help shift economic and political power to the working class!
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Join us LIVE this Monday at 8:30p ET/5:30 PT, when Our Revolution will host a special call to Build Worker Power with SEIU, CWA, Fight for $15 and a Union.
We’ll be organizing directly with US Rep. Ro Khanna, labor leaders, and fast-food workers around transformative labor legislation (AB-257) in CA, the fight of federal contract workers, and how we can keep growing the labor movement in America!
And, mark your calendar for Monday, July 11, when Pramila Jayapal will join our live call!
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Our Revolution has been taking to the streets in anticipation of the horrific decision to overturn abortion rights that the authoritarian Supreme Court issued Friday, undermining privacy protections for all Americans and turning back women’s rights half a century.
And, sadly, Democrats do not have an effective response to this threat, even though they control the Senate, the House, and the White House. Republicans and the far-right worked hard for this for 50 years - fighting to infiltrate every level of power to force the change they wanted.
We must organize and fight for progress with even greater tenacity – we refuse to just watch in horror as women’s healthcare, human rights, and basic autonomy are decimated.
Our membership is ready to stand up and take action against these threats at the ballot box and in the streets. Sign up as a member right now to help our movement stem the tide of fascism.
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Congratulations to Our Revolution-endorsed Zachary Parker, who won his race Tuesday for the Ward 5 seat on DC Council!
Zach is laser-focused on improving life for the people who call the District of Columbia home - and he believes in community power to do it!
“Economic violence is running rampant in this country. We must fundamentally disrupt the systems that perpetuate poverty,” he told us on our National Organizing Call. “The only way to beat organized money is with organized people.”
Zachary won on a small-donor, publicly-funded campaign with the help of our volunteers and organizers. Become a recurring donor to Our Revolution today to get progressives in power at all levels of government.
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Tuesday is Election Day in Illinois, and Our Revolution has a powerful slate of progressive champions on the ballot! Find your polling place HERE!
We have multiple chances to add progressives to Congress with Junaid Ahmed (IL-8), Litesa Wallace (IL-17), and Delia Ramirez (IL-3). All three are committed to the fight for Medicare for All, a living wage, a green economy, and more!
Bernie joins our endorsement of Delia as well as Jonathan Jackson, who’s running for Congress in IL-1. “The issues Our Revolution Illinois espouses - workers’ rights, clean energy, criminal justice, to name a few, align with the types of policies I believe will deliver the best long-term benefits to my district.”
And, Our Revolution endorses Alexi Giannoulias, who’s running for Secretary of State as a staunch defender of democracy who vows to put people first and stand up to powerful interests.
Early voting is open through Election Day on Tuesday! Sign up to make calls to voters in Illinois to get folks to the polls for our Illinois Slate!
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Our Revolution has been pounding the pavement to help elect Jumaane Williams for NY Governor and Ana Maria Archila for Lt. Governor — on the ballot this Tuesday against the establishment!
Jumaane and Ana Maria aren’t just great candidates, they’re excellent organizers with deep ties to local communities and activists — real leaders within our movement.
They’re already fighting for the NY Health Act, taxing the wealthy, making CUNY tuition-free, housing justice, and more. Let’s kick out Cuomo’s lackey replacements and elect our allies to lead New York!
Our Revolution also recently joined Ana Maria, US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (who endorsed her!), and Brittany Ramos DeBarros for Congress (NY-11) for the NYC Puerto Rican Day Parade!
Sign up to join the Our Revolution family and keep growing our coalition inside and outside of government!
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This 2022 primary season, Our Revolution Phonebank Force has made 500,000 phone calls to voters across the country! We’re recruiting as many folks as possible to help us hit that one-million mark and beyond!
Right now, we have shifts for incredible candidates for Congress like Brittany Ramos-DeBarros (NY-11), Andy Levin (MI-11), David Segal (RI-2), and many others!
“Our crew is there to help every step of the way, and it’s amazing to see our collective impact on these races,” said Amanda Walker, one of our lead phone bankers. “This is how we turn the tide against big money – and it’s fun!”
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Already in 2022, we’ve clinched important progressive wins for Congress with Greg Casar (TX-35), Summer Lee (PA-12), Jasmine Crockett (TX-30), Jamie McLeod Skinner (OR-5), Michelle Vallejo (TX-15), and others!
Even as corporate Dems sabotage their own prospects for the midterms, we are growing our power at every level of government. Let’s build on this momentum and change the composition of power in politics.
Pitch in here to help us take down the worst corporate puppets before they forfeit what’s left of our democracy to the far right in November!
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Our Wisconsin Revolution Executive Director Andre Walton joined Bernie Sanders last week at the CNH strike in Mt. Pleasant, WI — nearly 1,000 workers are on strike in WI and IA, fighting to preserve affordable healthcare benefits and fighting for good wages.
Bernie was on a Worker Power Tour, stopping in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and other states for rallies and strikes with thousands of workers and unionists across the midwest!
In a speech Bernie delivered at the Chicago Labor Notes Conference, Bernie sent a message to billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Howard Schultz: “One way or another your companies are going to be organized.”
“The time is long overdue for us to take on and challenge the uber-Capitalist culture of today,” Bernie said to a roaring crowd. “While workers died by the thousands from Covid, billionaires grew their wealth by $2T. We are in a truly pivotal moment in American history.”
Corporate greed is at the root of the war against workers from inflation to low wages, offshoring jobs to high gas prices — you name it. That’s why Our Revolution and our founder Bernie Sanders continue to fight like hell to maximize the resurgence of worker power to restore democracy. Join us in the fight.
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Bernie Sanders took on fellow Senator Lindsey Graham in a debate on Fox News last week – and wiped the floor with him for all to see!
Bernie introduced himself to the rightwing audience as the longest-serving Independent in Congress and gave an unfettered breakdown of Medicare for All, a living wage, taxing the ultra-rich, and more.
Graham still blamed Bernie for every failure of corporate Democrats (and Republicans) from the past 40 years, and laughably claimed the problems we see today are the result of Biden implementing Bernie's agenda — WE WISH!
“Lindsey avoids the facts and diverts from the most important issues facing this country, that’s what the establishment does,” Bernie rebutted. “And, Lindsey is a good and effective representative of the establishment.”
Bernie wisely used his time to drive home critical facts and ideas that Fox News omits and demonizes — like that billionaires are criminally raking in record profits for inflating prices and that Medicare for All could cut healthcare spending in half, The Guardian reports.
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We’re all feeling the pain of inflation, and like US Rep. Ro Khanna wrote in the New York Times: “There is way more Biden can do to lower prices.”
Our Revolution stands with Ro and Bernie in urging the Biden administration to enact solutions to the current 40-year inflation high that don’t further crush the working class — not just leave it to the Fed to raise interest rates, jack up unemployment, and force down wages ahead of the midterms.
Ro argues that Biden must not be afraid to take on corporate greed, take bold action to shore up supply, or implement a Windfall Profits Tax.
Fossil fuel giants raked in $93B last quarter alone, and food is up 30 per cent while companies like Tyson saw a 140% jump in profits. Enough is enough!
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A small number of companies have way too much power, and it’s crippling our democracy. Join Our Revolution in a strategic national campaign to bust the power of the big tech monopolies acting as gatekeepers to the public square.
The Open Apps Markets Act and the American Innovation and Choice Act have a REAL SHOT TO PASS and would enable fair competition on Big Tech platforms and app markets. This will create fairness for small businesses and empower users with more choice on the platforms.
HBO’s John Oliver featured our legislation on his show Last Week Tonight, exposing how Amazon and Google stifle competition and saying: “These bills would crack the door open,” The Verge reports.
You can take a quick and simple action to kick off this fight! CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW and tell them you want these two important bills passed!
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Our Revolution continues to ramp up our campaign to end massive taxpayer handouts to the fossil fuel industry — especially now as they gouge us at the pump and rake in exorbitant profits!
President Biden recently enacted the Defense Production Act to spur domestic clean energy production and this week, the House passed Cori Bush’s bill for $100M to fund it! — BUT the very same day, Biden rewarded fossil fuel companies with a $10B tax break by suspending the gas tax.
The White House met with fossil fuel executives this week, who called President Biden “a bully” and likely greenlit the administration’s weak gas tax holiday to save folks $0.18/gallon.
While the White House meets with fossil fuel execs and Biden begs for oil in Saudi Arabia (responsible for killing an American journalist and the genocide against Yemen), Big Oil is buying back its own stocks rather than investing in American energy.
Our Revolution joins Bernie in calling for a Windfall Profits Tax, and we call on the Senate to pass Bernie’s bill to fund the Defense Production Act.
We can’t let Biden backpedal on his commitment to clean energy. America must transition to renewable energy for our environmental and economic prosperity — and so we’re not at the mercy of Petro-oligarchs in Russia and beyond.
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Our Revolution New Jersey turned out in force for our planet Thursday, joining the Rally for Clean Air and Climate Justice, organized by Empower NJ!
We called on Gov. Phil Murphy to enact a moratorium on fossil fuel projects and support a just transition to renewable energy that creates jobs and improves life for the people of NJ and the world.
With seven new fossil projects moving forward in the state, our chapters were proud to take part as a member of the No Fossil Fuel Projects coalition.
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Our grandparents shouldn’t be struggling to survive on $18k a year. Our Revolution wholeheartedly endorses Senator Sanders’ SS Expansion Act!
Last week, as Chair of the Senate Budget Committee, Bernie held a hearing on his proposal, which would not only save Social Security but would expand benefits now and fund the program for 75 years!
How? By implementing fair taxation on the ultrawealthy.
We’re proud to stand with our ally Social Security Works in this fight, and loved seeing their Executive Director Alex Lawson set Lindsey Graham straight with facts during Bernie’s hearing!
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Last week, Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese made the case for the MSNBC audience to join us in calling on state elections officials to enforce the Constitution and bar insurrectionists from the ballot.
The January 6th hearings are reminding us that Trump and his co-conspirators are a danger to the Republic, but “while Congress has the power to investigate - it has no power to prosecute,” Joseph told Zerlina Maxwell on her network show.
“Our Constitution is clear,” he said. “Just like if you don’t meet the age requirement to run for office, if you engage in an attempted violent overthrow of the U.S. government, you’re ineligible for office.”
Let’s just say - folks like Matt Gaetz, Scott Perry, and Andy Biggs wouldn’t be asking for pardons if they were on the right side of the Constitution.
We need progressive patriots to lend their voice against the rise of fascism by signing this petition to urge your state elections officials to do their job and disqualify criminals from seeking re-election.
Our Revolution has rallied in states like PA, OH, and AZ – calling out extremists like Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, and others. And, our members’ legal challenges have gained traction, even forcing Marjorie Taylor Greene under oath in Georgia!
If you want to volunteer for this campaign and hold January 6th criminals accountable, please email us!
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VICTORY! Our Revolution Ohio ran nearly 400 progressives for Central Committee positions across the state’s 58 counties, outmaneuvered the Party Machine, and WON!
In Greene County, an Our Revolution member was elected as Party Chair; and in Cuyahoga County, a partner for party reform and our coalition, David Brock, won Party Chair and State Rep. and Nina surrogate Juanita Brent was elected Vice-Chair.
It all started at Our Revolution Ohio’s 2020 Organize-to-Win Summit with a plan to Transform the Party – and now we have seats of power to work for true democratic reformation.
With deep organizing, our members built coalitions, phone banked, held workshops and training sessions, walked door-to-door, and put in the work to change the composition of the Party in Ohio.
This is a huge win, and we’re pulling over folks who didn’t think they were progressive. “The party has been on life support, and during a time when our call is to Defend Democracy, people are seeing that if we don’t do something now, there will be no democracy to defend,” said our Revolution Ohio Organizer Diane Morgan.
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Join us LIVE this Monday at 8:30p ET/5:30 PT, when Our Revolution will host a special call to Build Worker Power with SEIU, CWA, Fight for $15 and a Union.
We’ll be organizing directly with US Rep. Ro Khanna, labor leaders, and fast-food workers around transformative labor legislation (AB-257) in CA, the fight of federal contract workers, and how we can keep growing the labor movement in America!
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The January 6th hearings are underway, but Congress only has the power to investigate - not prosecute. That’s why Our Revolution is calling on secretaries of state to do their job, enforce the Constitution, and bar insurrectionists from the ballot!
The American people cannot stomach any more political theater. Let’s put the findings from the hearings into action and make sure Trump and his minions are disqualified from seeking re-election!
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Two bills to bust up Big Tech monopoly power are heading to the Senate - and our voices can tip the scales to get them passed. And, we need YOU to make a quick call to your Senators and join our call team reaching out to others to do the same!
Our Revolution phone banker Amanda Walker is from Washington State, home to Big Tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon, and she is living the effects of concentrated corporate power and wealth.
“It’s not necessarily making life easier for the rest of us,” Amanda told us. “The rent is soaring, and it’s getting harder to live here. So I called my senators, and now I’m making calls to other people asking them to do the same.”
And, join our Phonebank Force to help Amanda spread the word below!
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As our movement is showing with primary victories, we can overcome the force of big money with our direct voter outreach.
We have a shot to elect more allies and replace more #ManchinDems in these pivotal elections — IF we do the work! It feels great to change a voter’s mind in real-time and know that you helped get an amazing candidate into power.
Help us make calls for Our Revolution candidates on the ballot in the coming weeks like Alexi Giannoulias for IL Secretary of State, congressional candidates Andy Levin (MI-11), Brittany Ramos DeBarros (NY-11), and David Segal (RI-2).
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Sign up for phone banking as we organize to re-elect one of our best allies - US Rep. Andy Levin to Congress.
We will be calling thousands of Our Revolution supporters in Michigan’s 11th congressional district, which includes Detroit area communities such as Bloomfield and Pontiac.
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Join Our Revolution and David Segal for Congress (RI-2) for a strategy session on policy solutions to tackle Monopoly Power – with remarks from special guest Sen. Elizabeth Warren. The event starts at 2p ET Thursday!
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Our Revolution is also hosting a Volunteer Kick-Off to help send people’s champ David Segal to Washington. Join the virtual event to get involved and make an impact on one of the most critical primaries of 2022.
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Are you a member of Our Revolution? For $5 a month, you’ll be part of choosing our candidate endorsements and crafting our platform and strategy. Plus, we’ll send you our new 2022 Membership Card.
To show our gratitude to members joining at higher donation levels, we’re sweetening the deal! For $10 a month, get a sticker 6-pack, and at $15, get the stickers and a poster. For $27, get both and a tote bag, or join at the $50 level to get it all and a T-shirt.
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