More than $32 million contributed to insurrectionist Republicans by Fortune 500 companies.


Corporations cannot honestly claim to support democracy at the same time they reward the very lawmakers who tried to finish what the insurrectionists started on January 6, 2021. But that hasn’t stopped Fortune 500 companies from donating more than $16 million to members of the Sedition Caucus in Congress.

Our Message to Toyota, FedEx, Visa, Home Depot, General Motors, ExxonMobil, and other Fortune 500 companies and corporate trade associations:

Stop Funding Insurrectionists Now!



In the wake of the January 6 insurrection, many corporations pledged to stop donations to the Sedition Caucus -- the 147 Republican Members of Congress who voted not to certify the 2020 election and helped fuel the lies that led to the attack.

However, pledging to defend democracy and actually defending democracy are different things. As of this writing, Fortune 500 companies and corporate trade groups have donated more than $32 million to the campaigns of Sedition Caucus members since the insurrection.[1]

Sign our message to Toyota, FedEx, Visa, Home Depot, General Motors, Exxonmobil, and other Fortune 500 companies and corporate trade associations: Stop funding insurrectionists now!

Sign your name

As if the $32 million isn’t bad enough, when you dig deeper into the contributions, it gets worse.

Sedition-supporting companies have given nearly $1 million to Republican Members of Congress directly under investigation by the Jan. 6 select committee, including U.S. Reps. Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs, Barry Loudermilk, Ronny Jackson and, of course, Scott “Pardon Me” Perry.

So while the Jan. 6 select committee is skillfully presenting evidence of how Trump and MAGA Republicans planned, promoted, and paid for a criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election, these same big corporations continue to line their pockets with campaign cash.

Republicans haven’t stopped working to destroy democracy either. If anything, their commitment to sabotaging future elections -- and their ability to do so -- has only grown.

Conservative Judge J Michael Luttig didn’t mince words in his closing statement during last week’s hearings: Donald Trump, his allies and supporters were and are still “a clear and present danger to American democracy.”

Hold corporations supporting insurrectionist Republicans accountable and demand they stop funding those who would overturn and destroy our democracy now!

Corporate campaign cash is toxic for our democracy -- and big corporations will always spend money to push their interests over everyday people if they’re allowed to get away with it.

That’s why it’s so important to put them on notice -- and make sure they know we’re holding them to account.

In fact, a handful of corporations who pledged not to fund insurrectionist Republicans after January 6 have stuck to their pledges, and we need to make sure ALL corporations feel the same pressure to stop donations to the Members of Congress who incited the attack and voted to overturn the election.

Don’t let them get away with funding the attack on our democracy.

-HAZMAT America

[1] Who Is Financing Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ Caucus? Corporations You Know


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