Starting with Donna Edwards

Yesterday was a sad day, JOHN.

SCOTUS overstepped and struck down Roe v. Wade.

One thing is clear — we need to elect more women to Congress, starting with Donna Edwards.  

Hillary Clinton warned us this would happen. Had she been elected, we wouldn’t be in this position right now. But we can’t pass up this opportunity to put another woman in Congress.

Donna’s election is less than a month away and we need your help now more than ever.

Will you join Hillary and Donna on Tuesday, June 28th so we can elect another woman to Congress?

We hope to see you there,

Team Donna

VIP Reception: 6:00 - 6:30 PM

General Admission: 6:30 - 7:00 PM

Suggested Contribution

VIP: $2,900 | Champion: $1,000 | Sponsor: $500

Supporter: $250 | Friend: $100 



Congresswoman Donna Edwards is a proven progressive leader and fighter with the clout and experience to deliver for Maryland’s 4th Congressional District from day one. In Congress, Donna will fight for Medicare for All, environmental justice, and requiring the wealthy to pay their fair share to help reduce prices for all of us.


Donna Edwards 4 Congress
PO Box 442157
Fort Washington, MD 20749
United States

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