In case you missed the big news today, Pelosi's House voted to send the Republicans' gun control bill to President Biden's desk.
Fourteen GOP "representatives" joined with Pelosi and her gun-grabbing majority in favor of gun confiscation, gun registry expansion, and more.
You've officially been sold out to the enemies of freedom for nothing more than a pat on the back from anti-gunners.
And tomorrow, Pres. Biden plans to sign S. 2938 into law, massively expanding federal gun control for the first time in almost 30 years.
Today is a dark day for the right to keep and bear arms, and it's all thanks to this pack of liars who claim to be "pro-gun."
Now, thanks to their unforgivable betrayal, career gun grabbers like Pelosi will push for even more of your fundamental rights.
After all, all it took for the Republicans to sell you out once was pressure from the legacy fake news media.
So why not try again and push for something even more sinister, like the "assault weapons" ban Pelosi wants to promote?
Friend, we've been shafted by these turncoats, and we need to get serious about fighting back ASAP.
We can't let these politicians stab us in the back without there being hell to pay. And we need your help to strike back!
As you know, with this new legislation, more pro-2A legal action could soon become necessary to protect rights and property.
Help us get ready for the next wave of litigation by contributing to our Second Amendment Defense Fund today.
After working aggressively to help secure yesterday's Supreme Court victory, the thanks we got from the GOP is a big FU.
Help us let these traitors know what you think of their betrayal and #FIGHTFORWARD by taking a stand today.
This isn't over, and with your help, we'll make hold these bastards accountable for selling your rights down the river.
Stay Free,
Firearms Policy Coalition
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