No one likes the Swamp
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Hi John,
I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, and I am the fearless conservative patriot making waves and getting things done in Arizona!
I'm so grateful that the people of Arizona, the good patriots fighting for our state, are behind me. Will you join them? ([link removed])
I've been attacked with really bizarre stuff lately- even been accused of controlling the wind! But I'm fighting back against the Swamp. And I'm bringing reinforcements!
I was endorsed by two heavy hitters this week in Arizona politics.
One was Anthony Kern, Trump-endorsed State Senate candidate!
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"Senator Wendy Rogers is a Constitutional Conservative who will be a strong advocate for Election Integrity and Border Security.
Senator Rogers is endorsed by President Trump because she puts America First. Wendy has my complete and total endorsement
Thank you Anthony!
I'm so grateful that this America First rising star has stood with me, against the slings and arrows of the Deep State here.
I'm also happy to announce the endorsement of a legend in Pima County!
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"I endorse Wendy Rogers for Arizona Senate. I have been following Wendy for a long time and her fighting spirit impresses me.
Wendy is a fierce defender of our first amendment rights and has taken the hits but has never once wavered. She will NOT back down.
She is a proven warrior and knowing you can count on someone in office is worth its weight in gold.
Wendy will secure our borders, fight for election integrity and will cut taxes so that we can get some of our hard-earned money back.
Please join me in supporting Wendy Rogers today.
Arizona has real problems. Election insecurity, Border crisis, drugs and gangs. It takes real courage to deal with them- and not every politician has it.
Some would rather attack the courageous than solve the problems- or even acknowledge them.
I will bravely step into the breach for the people of my state. We are on the front lines- but we need support. Your support is crucial as the Swamp intensifies its attacks on us! ([link removed])
President Trump is fighting for us, and I am fighting for the people of Arizona. Join me as I make Arizona a leader! ([link removed])
Thank you so much,
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Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 6th Legislative District
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P.S. George Soros and the leftwing billionaires are going to target my district again with millions of dollars in attack ads like they did last time. Will you help me fend off the attacks by contributing before the end of this month? ([link removed])
Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
Copyright © 2022 Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate, All rights reserved.
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Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate
2700 S Woodlands Village Blvd Ste 300-242
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-7128
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