As it stands right now, you see won't see our party's diversity reflected on the December debate stage.


I’ll get right to the point: Six candidates currently in the race are qualified for the DNC’s December debate. But as it stands now, after starting with the most diverse presidential field in our nation’s history, you might not see our party’s diversity reflected on that stage.

Not a single one of the candidates who have qualified for the December debate is a person of color. And that’s a shame.

These thresholds have had the effect of denying candidates of color access to the debate stage while paving the way for billionaires who are inflating their support through massive ad buys. I’m asking for your donation right now to help me qualify for the December debate by placing ads in the early states.

This race is still far from decided. No one knows who we will choose as our party’s nominee in Milwaukee next July. But it would be unacceptable if our final choices did not reflect the rich diversity of our party.

We need a debate stage that fully reflects the Democratic Party, not one limited to candidates with massive donor bases and billionaires who are able to buy their way onto the debate stage. Please donate to my campaign to help me qualify for the next debate.

Put me on that debate stage and I’ll demonstrate that I can, and I have, united moderate and progressive Democrats. I’ll demonstrate that I can, and I have, excited and engaged Black voters, the most loyal constituency of our party. And I’ll demonstrate that I am the only person in this race who can rebuild the coalition that elected President Obama that we need in order to defeat Donald Trump.

We are the party of diversity. We are the party of inclusion. Let’s start acting like it.



Paid for by Cory 2020

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