News from Representative Allred


Dear Friend,

Today is a dark day for our nation. The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, stripping away a long-standing constitutional right and endangering the lives of women in Texas and across the country. 

Today's ruling is a radical, dangerous, and deeply unpopular decision by a radical, activist, and out of touch Court. In choosing to rip away 50 years of rights for women, this Court has also laid the groundwork to rip away many other rights.

The United States now joins a vanishingly small list of countries where the right to an abortion is not protected, a list that also coincides with dramatic democratic backsliding.

Just like when abortion was illegal before, abortion won't end, it will just become dangerous and cost women their lives. This ruling joins the list of the worst decisions in the Court’s long history. The real world impacts will be devastating and will take us back decades.

The burden to protect women’s rights now falls to the Congress, our state legislatures and the millions of Americans who don’t want to see our country go backwards any further.

Since I came to Congress, I have been working to codify the protections granted in Roe v. Wade. I voted to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act to ensure health care providers can provide abortion care, and patients can receive that care, free from medically unnecessary restrictions. I also joined 236 of my colleagues in both the House and the Senate in filing an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to uphold Roe v. Wade.

My hope is that today is remembered in future history books not for this disgraceful ruling, but for the brave folks who stood up in its wake to fight for a more perfect union and the change they brought about. I will be fighting alongside them.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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