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Friend - The unthinkable just became reality in the United States today as our highest court stripped away our autonomy, our right to be free and equal members of society, and our ability to access the reproductive health care we need. Everything has changed for every woman and every family in this country. The U.S. Supreme Court just gave lawmakers the right to deny us access to abortion care and to allow politicians to make our most personal decisions.
Six in ten people who have abortions are moms, and moms want abortion care to be accessible to all who need it. In fact, polls show the majority of people in America agree.
Being able to choose if we have children, and if so, when and how many children to have, which includes access to abortion care, is a fundamental human right. And MomsRising stands to continue the fight to help protect that right: WE NEED YOUR HELP.
Without question, low-income women, women of color, young and immigrant women, rural women, people with disabilities and those who are LGBTQ will suffer the most because of this ruling. It will have devastating health and economic consequences and return us to the days when pregnant people suffer and die without the health care they need.
Now, corrupted by cynical right-wing politicians and a very loud vocal minority, our highest court just ignored decades of established precedent and taken away a basic liberty. This ruling imperils not just our right to abortion care but also our access to birth control, marriage equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and more. It will exacerbate systemic racism, misogyny, and economic insecurity.
→ After you sign, please take a moment to share this action link on social media, to forward this email, and to help get as many signatures as possible for us to hand deliver to leaders as we demand change.
This U.S. Supreme Court decision is not what the country wants or needs. It is tyranny of the minority, a failure of democracy, and a denial of our essential liberties. We note that the same people who support abortion bans have long opposed free birth control, improved maternal health care, paid family and medical leave, affordable child care, and other measures that support healthy children and families. America’s moms will fight for what the country deserves: Lawmakers who will protect our liberties and a judiciary that supports equal justice for all.
Reproductive rights are human rights. Forced births are never okay.
We are an official partner with the BansOffOurBodies campaign which means we will be in D.C. with other reproductive rights organizations like Women’s March, UltraViolet, MoveOn, the Liberate Abortion Campaign, NARAL, SEIU, ACLU, and United State of Women to take immediate action. We will respond boldly, loudly— we will not back down. Thank you to all of you, who have taken action in solidarity with this movement!
Join us in telling Congress and key leaders to act now!
Thank you for standing with us -
- Amanda, Amber, Beatriz, Beth, Brenna, Claudia, Dede, Diana, Diarra, Donna, dream, Elyssa, Felicia, Gina, Gloria, Hanna, Jacqueline, Jessica, Jordan, Joy, Julia, Karen, Keisha, Kelle, Kelsey, Kristin, Lauren, Leanne, Linda, Lisa, Lucrecer, MacKenzie, Maggie, Mandy, Monifa, Nadia, Namatie, Nancy, Nate, Nina, Ruby, Ruth, Selina, ShaRanda, Sheila, Sue Anne, Tasmiha, Taylor, Tina, Tola, and Xochitl
P.S. If you have a story or experience to share about abortion care and why access to this right is important, please share here: https://momsrising.soapboxx.us/prompt-single/rj
P.P.S. If you want to contribute to local abortion funds, here is a link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/supportabortionfunds
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