Please give a vital $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford RIGHT NOW to fuel my lawsuit to protect our constitutional rights!
There isn’t a second to waste.
By now you’ve heard the STUNNING news that Roe v Wade has been struck down!
As a generous supporter of Freedom Watch, you know what this means for FREEDOM and the rule of law!
You know Roe was “settled law of the land” for decades…and seemed like it would never get struck down.
But Roe is now no more…and I can feel freedom on the move in America down to my bones!
It’s time to celebrate, but we cannot grow complacent! I continue the fight to bring justice to the January 6th patriots who were unjustly persecuted. And I will hold the DC criminals accountable for TRAMPLING on Americans’ constitutional rights!
Help by backing our lawsuits today!
I can’t do it without you.
Thank you for your critical support.
With Respect and Gratitude,
Larry Klayman
Founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch
Current Chairman and General Counsel of Freedom Watch, Inc.
P.S. Until June 24, Roe v Wade was the “law of the land.” But now it’s struck down -- hard proof that you and I CAN defeat the lawless politicians and corrupt bureaucrats. We can make a difference!
Freedom Watch
2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Ste 345
Washington, DC 20006