
The Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade, ripping away every woman’s right to make her own health care decisions and putting far-right politicians in control of our bodies. I’m heartbroken, I’m furious, and I’m personally counting on you to help fight back now!  

Let me be clear: With Roe gone, Catherine Cortez Masto’s race in Nevada is now the most important Senate race of our lifetimes! Catherine is the most vulnerable Democratic senator in America. And if she loses, anti-choice extremists will retake the Senate and pass a nationwide abortion ban. They’ll punish and criminalize women in every single state

With the future of women’s rights at stake in Nevada, anti-choice extremists are spending $18 MILLION on attack ads to defeat Catherine and polling shows her 3 points behind her GOP opponent. She needs our help to hit her emergency goal tonight, or it will be too late and we’ll lose the Senate. So please:

Let's fight back with everything we’ve got! Join me and rush a $10 gift to split between Catherine Cortez Masto and Jon Tester to save the Senate and women’s reproductive rights >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Catherine Cortez Masto and Jon Tester will go through immediately:

Thank you,

Cecile Richards