Trump's Supreme Court just did what we knew they would - they overturned Roe v. Wade.
The consequences will be devastating, especially for people of color and young people in the 28 states that are positioned to immediately restrict or outlaw abortion altogether.
So we’re fighting back with all of our might - and here is the #VOTEPROCHOICE plan:
1. Recruit, support, and elect prochoice candidates at the community and state levels. These candidates can work to decriminalize abortion, help patients travel to receive care, and serve as the first line of defense in a world without Roe v. Wade.
2. Publish the #VOTEPROCHOICE Voter Guide that vets every candidate in every race on abortion so we can ensure that our elected leaders – from the state house to the school board – will fight for reproductive freedom.
Our amazing team has been preparing for this moment, but we need your support. Will you help us?
Six years ago, we co-founded #VOTEPROCHOICE to keep abortion safe, legal, and accessible for everyone, even after the end of Roe v. Wade.
We knew the end was coming — and still, this moment is devastating.
For decades, the anti-choice right has invested massive resources in state legislatures and courthouses in preparation for this exact moment — and they were left unchecked.
Even beyond state abortion bans, Republicans in Congress are gleefully planning a federal ban that would end abortion nationwide. This makes it even more urgent that we keep Democratic majorities in the U.S. Senate and House.
Friend, please join us in rising to the moment:
Thanks for all you do!
Bob Fertik and Heidi L. Sieck
Co-founders of #VOTEPROCHOICE